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Katelyn awoke a few hours later, feeling soreness all over her body. She sat up to look for the babies, looking for the bassinet in the room. After looking around, she realized that they weren't in the room. "Caesar," she said, gently shaking him. "Where are the twins?" Caesar sat up groggily beside her and said, "They were right... here. Maybe our family has them. Let's go check." Katelyn got up quickly, not caring how sore she was, worrying about her babies. She pulled a robe over her nightdress and put slippers on her feet before making her way out of the room. Caesar followed behind her as they walked down the hallway. When they made their way to the living room, they found Kara and Setti holding the twins. "There they are, all safe and sound with their aunt and uncle," Caesar said. "You both had me worried," Katelyn said, taking a sigh of relief in knowing that her babies were okay. "Sorry. We wanted to let you sleep," Kara said. "We didn't want them to disturb you. You won't be getting much sleep in the near future," Setti said. "Thank you both. Where are the others?" "Everyone else turned in for the night. They are all in the guest rooms. We told them we would keep first watch. Actually," she said, pointing towards the door. Eldore strolled into the room in just a sleep shirt and pants, looking the most casual that Katelyn had ever seen him. "Eldore. Let me guess, you had second shift," Caesar asked. He said, "With Yulie, wherever she is." "Right here," Yulie said, coming in from the door on the other side of the room. "Well, Eldore. While the twins are still asleep, I was wondering if I could take a few samples from you? The potion seems to have worked in all my trial runs to reverse aging." Eldore said, "I suppose. Lead the way." Katelyn took Eldore to her small lab.

Inside her lab, Eldore looked around at the many jars filled with liquids, specimens, and powders as she moved to her workstation. "How much research are you doing," Eldore asked. "I've been working on three main projects with a few smaller ones. It may look like a lot, but it is not. This room holds all the research I've worked on so far. I've learned so much since being here." She took out her supplies and asked Eldore to sit. She performed a skin scrape test, took a small punch biopsy, and took a saliva sample from him. She then treated each before letting them run in their different test environments. "Alright. I'm going to let these sit in the solution and run. We will know within the hour if it will work for you." Eldore nodded and said jokingly, "Let's just hope I don't turn into a Direspider from your magic potion." Katelyn laughed and said, "Its not magic, it's science." Eldore grunted and said, "Magic, science, all the same." They both walked back to the living room to find Caesar and Yulie talking back and forth. "Alright. My turn with the twins," Katelyn said, holding her arms out. "You both need fed, don't you? Oh yes, you do," Katelyn said in baby talk. She took them back to the bedroom and took off the top of her dress, letting the twins latch on to drink.

As she held them both to her, she marveled at how she had brought the two small bundles in her arms into the world. "I'm so glad to have met your father, Carolina, Vincent. I never thought I would have this, but now, all my dreams have come true." She looked out the window as she cradled her twins, looking up to the moon that was full. She thought back to all the moments that had brought her to where she was now and realized that she really had blossomed. She felt tears fall from her eyes, happy tears, as she thought about her large family. Caesar knocked on the door and said, "Almost done? Wait... are you crying? Are you upset?" "No. I'm so happy. Just a little overly emotional from the hormones." Caesar nodded and walked behind her, wrapping his arms around her. They stayed that way for a while, watching the skies and gardens outside the window. After a little while, the babies were done, just resting against Katelyn's chest. She handed Vincent and Carolina to him, buttoning up her nightdress and pulling her robe back around her. She took Carolina back and said, "Alright. Let's go find Eldore and Yulie. I'm sure they are still waiting on us." The two walked back to the living room to find Eldore and Yulie sitting on the sofas talking.

A Miracle for Love (Caesar Drisdall from The White Knights Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now