I looked up from my obsession and saw Kyle , wearing a lopsided grin as his blonde hair fell in his face.

"I am a depressed human being that sometimes feels like socializing takes too much effort." I replied, closing my book slowly.

"Socializing takes too much effort? I think being a human being on a whole takes too much effort . "

"Yeah, that's true." I agreed.

"I like this whole..thing.. you've got going on."

"My outfit ?" I questioned .

"Uh huh."

"Even the lipstick? Because everyone seems to find it creepy and gothic." I looked down at my phone uneasily.

"Personally, I think it rocks. You look like a little rebel." he laughed , handing me a tissue.

"Thank you." I took it out of his hand.

"My pleasure Miss Ryanair. Now..do you know why I gave you that tissue?"

"Nope. Why ?" I squinted my eyes, giving him a questioning look.

"Neither do I." He laughed, resting his chin on his hand.

"We have Chemistry next right ?"

I nodded my head and finished my granola bar in no longer than 30 seconds.

The bell rung , signalling for third period.

Kyle and I both stood up and began walking to Chemistry.

We entered the classroom and I sat down beside him, even if it wasn't my seat .

Following behind us was the rest of the class. Including Alexa, Marco, Ryan, DeLuca , Jason and the rest of their two groups of friends .

Alexa sat down in her seat, looking back at me with a confused look on her face .

I shrugged my shoulders and laid my head on the desk , facing towards the white wall.

I listened to Kyle's friends talking to him, Marco's voice standing out .

I could tell they were all standing infront of the table.

"She's in my seat." I heard him say.

"Find another one, I doubt she's going to move. " Kyle replied.

I watched as his mouth moved.

"I'll find another one." Marco sighed, sitting somewhere else.

I listened to the rest of their footsteps all padding along behind Marco.

I'm guessing DeLuca was sitting in my seat, whispering sweet nothings into Alexa's ear.

However ... They were not your typical high school lovers that talked about  babies and marriage .

Instead their conversation would most probably be about ..how much marshmallows can you fit into your mouth?

Kyle laid his head on the desk aswell. Looking directly at me , his blue eyes and a smile.

Our Chemistry teacher had already begun speaking.

"Chemistry sucks." He whispered.

"Tell me about it." I rolled my eyes in annoyance .

The class went silent as the lights went off.

Everyone must've been watching a boring scientific presentation.

"We're missing out so much valuable information right now." Kyle chuckled.

"I know, but I'm pretty sure Yasmin has all of this stuff written down somewhere in her old notes. We can go to her room and steal it. She won't even notice. Her tongue will be too busy down a guy's throat." I told him.

"That sounds like a plan. What time?"

"Whenever you're not busy ."

"I'm never busy. I have a pretty open lifestyle." He said smug.

I stifled a laugh, hoping not to get in trouble.

"It's my birthday on Sunday. I'm definitely going to turn up."

"I only turn up on Tuesdays, that's when the clubs go up."

"I see what you did there Mr Lathers. "

We both smiled at the same time. There was no denying he had made a good joke.

"Please wear those lips on your birthday. For me."

"Maybe. But for my birthday, I want a beautiful poem ."

"Maybe." he smirked.

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