My Sweet Little Dream.

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"What do you want to know about your brother?" Morpheus asked, setting Ophelia down next to him. The young girl started dancing on the steps, thinking of the questions that she was going to ask him first about her older sibling. "What was he like?" She stopped her spinning and looked at him, placing her hands behind her back. She bounced up and down on the balls of her feet. 

Morpheus thought for a moment. "He was very brave, and loving." 

"Would he have liked me?"

Morpheus nodded. "He would have loved you," he answered, reaching out for her hands. The young girl took held his hands, swinging them with a giggle as her father pretended that  his limbs were boneless. Ophelia giggled, holding his arms up as she spun underneath them. "Did he have a Mommy too?" She asked. 

Morpheus nodded. "A very loving one."

"What happened to him?" Ophelia stopped her spinning and looked at her father with curious eyes.  Morpheus took a deep breath. "He died," he answered matter of factly.  Ophelia's eyes turned sad. She hugged her father. "I'm sorry Daddy," she  said as she hugged him.  "I wish that I could have met him," she added.  "I think that we would have best friends. "

Morpheus chuckled softly.  He hugged her back as tears began to fill his eyes. "Of that, I have no doubt," he said as tears began to fall down his face silently.  Of all the people that he lost in his very long life, the two that he missed the most were his son and his Wife. Wiping his eyes quickly, he kissed his little dream, his Ophelia, on the top of her head. Smiling softly as she looked at him. In her young face, he could see her mother. Morpheus smiled some more, kissing her forehead gently. 

Ophelia let out a laugh. " Daddy! That tickles!" she managed through giggles. Morpheus arched his eyebrow, "Does it now?" he smiled.

The young girl nodded. She kissed the top of his nose. Looking at the tear streaks that were along the sides of his cheeks. "Are you ok, Daddy?" She asked, tracing the streaks with her fingers with concern etching her young face. 

Morpheus took her hands in his own and he kissed  her fingers. "I'm fine," he said. 
Ophelia shook her head. "You said it was bad  to lie," she said.  

Morpheus sighed heavily. "It is," he admitted. "I was thinking of your brother. And your mother, " he admitted. She was too smart for her own good sometimes. She could read him just as her mother could.  Morpheus often thought that was going to be an empath when she was old enough. 

"I was thinking about how I wish they were here to see you," He added. "To see how much joy you bring the realm."

Ophelia went wide eyed. "Me?" she asked. 

Her father nodded. "You, My Sweet Little Dream."

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