Realizing what she said, Lailah shook her head and looked away. "Sorry. I'm rambling again. For someone who hasn't been able to talk for years, I guess I have a lot to say," she laughed feebly. "I just...wanted to tell you that since Tifa decided to give us some time alone. And who knows when a chance like this will happen again."

Cloud had clung to each and every word she said. He didn't dare look away from her, even when she lowered her head. His heart was hammering wildly in his chest at her confession. He felt a spark of need and want he had been trying to suppress surface. Slowly, he closed the distance between them. Standing directly in front of her, he gently grasped her chin and lifted her head. He gazed into her golden eyes for a few seconds before leaning down and placing his lips over hers. His grip fell from her chin as they got lost in the kiss. It was a brief but gentle kiss, one they both wish had lasted longer.

Lailah couldn't tear her gaze away from his mako-infused eyes as their lips parted. As he pressed his forehead against hers and his hands came to rest on the desk on either side of her thighs, she wondered if what she said had caused this reaction. She opened her mouth to ask but promptly closed it when she heard what Cloud had to say.

"I love you."

Hearing those three words caused her heart to soar. She blinked owlishly before smiling sweetly. She lifted her arms and wrapped them around his waist. She moved her forehead from his and buried her face into his chest, smiling. She didn't say anything as she hugged him tightly. She was too happy to describe it with words.

Cloud wound his arms around her smaller frame. One arm looped around the small of her back while his other hand cradled the back of her head. He nuzzled his nose against the top of her head, holding her tightly. "Sorry, but I couldn't wait any longer."

She giggled. "I wasn't expecting our first kiss to be in the sewers, but I am oddly okay with that. I'm just happy to hear you say it."

He gingerly threaded his fingers through her snowy locks. "Better I say it now. Who knows what's going to happen to us after we get out of here."

"Whatever comes our way, I'm sure we can handle it."

Just then, they heard the control panel beep. The couple pulled away from each other to see what happened. Lailah hopped off the desk and followed behind Cloud to check on the controls. They saw the red light signaling the blockage was deactivated.

"Looks like Aerith and Tifa did it," Lailah commented.

At mentioning the two girls, the door opened. Cloud and Lailah turned to see the two girls had returned.

"Welcome back," the shapeshifter greeted them.

Cloud pulled the lever and successfully drained the water. "Nicely done," he complimented the two girls.

"We make a great team," Tifa smiled.

"Go team!" Aerith cheered.

"Now that the water's been drained, we can reach the ladder leading out of the sewers," Lailah said. "It'll be nice to finally get out of here."

"Yeah," Tifa nodded. "I think I've had my share of the sewers for a while."

They departed from the water control room. They encountered some sahagins before proceeding to the ladder.

Descending the ladder, they traveled through the now-exposed areas of the canal. Monsters jumped out of the water to ambush them, but they stood no chance against the group. They reached the ladder on the adjacent side and climbed up.

"Sure is nice to go up for a change," Aerith commented.

Tifa sighed. "Hope the pillar's not much further..."

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