god fuckin damn heros!!!!

Start from the beginning

Y/n: yay nomore shit...*retracts strings and looks at aizawa*  imma hang out with the evil rat *disappears from the students sight only to appear on the side of nezu's desk giving her a small heart attack*

Y/n: yo

Nezu: Jesus fuck me sidewase!!!

Y/n: my pleasure, wait what?!

Nezu: nothing!! *Smiles* anyway what can I help you with?

Y/n: I wanna travel again and I just controlled several students and several pro heros with string..

Nezu: that's interesting...back to the previous thing where are you going?

Y/n: dunno might have a look around the city and get a few snacks as it's my first time in Japan...so many sweets to try * heads to the door* see ya later nezu remember if you need my just give me a call *walks out the door and down to the gate with small smile as he starts walking around the city window shopping and just looking around

Y/n: FUCKING FINALLY!!! *Goes up to dango stand* how much for a plate?

Shop owner: 6$

Y/n: what..ok..how much for a box?

Shop owner: 12$

Y/n: can I have two boxes? *Hands shop owner 24 dollars*

Shop owner: you have dango addiction... You heart is gonna stop

Y/n: eh, I heard it's sweet and if I like it I'll eat it all if not I'll just give it away *receives first box and starts eating one slowly*

Y/n: holy fuck that's good... *Gets the second box and grins* thanks Mister shop owner!!! *Puts dango into system awhile eating another stick Much to the shock of the shop owner As a box of dango disappeared Infront of him as the strange guy walked away once again looking around the city finding mundane things and people and stopping a few petty crimes, rapes, and assaults in the process

Unfortunately he ended up killing a group of rapists as they destroyed some of his dango that he paid for and they... Reimbursed Y/n.. willingly afterwards even gave him a bit extra for taking his time and annoying him...only for y/n to go on a sugar spree with one of there debit cards

Y/n: so many sweets!~ *places them on the counter*

Female cashier: ugh...*rings up the MASSIVE amount of sugary treats and snack along with a few drinks before grinning* that will be $2653 sir

Y/n ignoring her blatant disgust and that she doubled the price handed over the stolen debit card and had the snacks and boba payed for before packing it up as she wasn't expecting him to actually pay for it unaware that it's wasn't his money

Y/n: bye bye miss!~ have a good day!!! *Sips boba* fucken hell that's good!!!

*Sees several female heros fighting around him unaware that he walked directly into the middle of a battle with several villains and heros*

Y/n: the fuck? *Random Villain comes up behind y/n and  activates her quirk causing her hands to turn to knifes and hold it to y/ns neck

*Standard villain hostage monologue wanting xxx amount of money and random shit....y/n was to busy with his music and sweets to noticed much to the shock of the heros and the villain holding him hostage*

Villain: *cuts y/ns headphones* are you fucking listing you worthless male?! your my hos-

Y/n getting pissed took chastiefol and stabbed her through her chest effectively killing her immediately as he pearced her heart and left lung

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