Ch. 16: Hopeful Darkness vs Despairing Light, Part 1

Start from the beginning

'Show offs, making such a dramatic entrance.' Black thought.

"They're pretty confident, huh?" Spinel asked as she peaked out of the palanquin with him.

"They're diamonds, it's only nature but they're in for a big surprise." Lapis said, crossing her arms.

"You got that right, as long as we keep our plan in check." Black said as he turned to his team.

"Understood, my Diamond. I'll give it everything I've got." Jasper said as she punched her hand, feeling ready for this.

Black nodded to them, thinking this was the best team of gems and group of friends he could ask for.

"This is it, my friends. The final trial that could determine Homeworld's next step. I just wanted to say thank you for coming all this far with me, no matter how long or how short you've been with me." Black Diamond said with a smile.

"You don't have to thank us, Black. If anything, we should thank you for making a court where any gem can belong." Spinel said with a kind smile.

"No matter where they started." Lapis said with a nod.

"Or how young." Jasper said with a smirk.

Black smiled at this, grateful for all of their words.

"Yeah. Now, it's time we show those old fossils that their way of thinking is long overdue for an overhaul." He said to his team.

Everyone nodded to him as they walked out of the palanquin, getting the attention of the crowd as they cheered for Black and his team though they were surprised to see the fourth member was a Jasper. Possibly the strongest looking Jasper any of them had ever seen.

"Hmm, Im surprised they actually came." Yellow said with a slightly surprised expression.

"I'm surprised he actually found suitable gems he THINKS can handle us." White Diamond said with a small smirk.

"From the looks of it, he has Spinel, a Lapis Lazuli, and an interesting Jasper." Blue said with a raised brow. "I've never seen one so strong looking before."

"She's...Huge! I never seen a Jasper so perfectly made like that." Pink said in awe before looking to Black. "Did he bring her in from Earth?"

"Hmm, it is possible but I didn't think that planet would produce a gem of THIS caliber." Yellow said, analyzing Jasper as they meet their team in the middle. "Perhaps there is more worth there then we originally thought."

"Yes." White Diamond agreed, thinking that Earth could be VERY valuable after this.

"Gems of Homeworld, Black Diamond and his team." Holly Blue said, gesturing to the second team.

Everyone in Black's court cheers for them before all eyes gazed at Holly Blue Agate, waiting for her to say anything that could make this even more intense. Holly gave a small smile, looking between the two teams as they glared at each other with intensity.

"Now, I shall explain the rules of this "Tag-Team" Combat Trial. It will be divided into throw a set of three rounds." Holy Blue said as everyone paid close attention. "The first team to 2 victories shall win."

"Huh. I thought it would be a battle royale." Spinel said, thinking out loud.

"That would mean we would have friendly fire against each other." Lapis said to her.

"Well, yeah. But still..." Spinel said with a shrug.

"I think she meant she thought it would be a full four against four right off the start." Jasper said.

Gemsona AU: Black DiamondWhere stories live. Discover now