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Effrideet wasted no time in sprinting back to her ship. She immediately activated the engines and was about to set course for Carrick station as the holo bleeped. She answered hastily.

'Effrideet. I am sure you have seen-'

'Yes Master Satele. I have.'

'Well then, our enemy has revealed themselves to us. But I fear they have just gained a vicious new weapon.


'Well yes. But the Jedi strike team... they're now one with our allies... corrupted by the Emperor's influence.'

'Oh no...'

'The loss of them as well as Kiwiks has left us short on the council. Master Bleklendo and Genko Riko have both been appointed to the council. We also have a returning ally. Mara Tallian had pledged herself back to the fight, though she will not be re-joining us.'

'What about me?'

'Come to Tython immediately. Your crew awaits and your ally Scourge has told me some concerning news. I expect you here as soon as possible, Satele out.' She faded out as Effrideet ran to the cockpit and set course for Tython, diverting almost all power to the engines and hyperdrive to get to Tython as soon as possible.

Hours passed and she came flying out of hyperspace as she quickly navigated the ship in to the LZ at the temple. C2 held on for dear life as she flew at breakneck pace.

They touched down as Effrideet ran out through the temple, reaching the council chambers. She burst through the doors as her team stood around the main table. Satele stood in acknowledgement of her as she made a b-line for the table, walking in a hurry. 'Welcome Effrideet. I'm glad you're here.'

'Good to see you too Master.' She pushed through her allies as she leaned in to the table to see a holoprojection of what looked like a Starship graveyard. 'What's the move?'

'We have located Master Sedoru as his ship was spotted entering Hoth. Our forces on Hoth have also reported sightings of him. He has led an Imperial expedition deep in to Hoth's Starship graveyard, where countless ships of pervious wars and golden ages lie in rest. We have detected him leading a group of expert Imperial scientists in to the ruins of a Kaminoan ship, one that has laid undisturbed despite possessing some of the greatest technology available.'

'Why didn't we take it?'

'The Republic saw its nature to be unethical... though files and some resources were taken at Var Suthra's order as part of his power guard program, and I believe your Vermin friend has told you about that.'

'How do you know about him?'

'There is no time to explain. That ship contains some of the most valuable and destructive tech available. It was too valuable to be left on a planet such as Kamino so the Kaminoans made a ship, one that would evade all sensors and thieves who would try take it for themselves. It is a place where life is made, where organics are made machine and where their consciousness can live forever. Like the Star Forge, it can churn out an infinite army and we cannot allow the Sith to take it. We have our hands full as it is pushing them back all over the galaxy thanks to you. Losing this would be a serious detriment and could lose the war effort. Get in there and stop them before it's too late.'

'Got it. What about Angral?'

'He will reveal himself in time. But you must stay focused. Remember, if possible Master Sedoru must be brought back to the light. What is lost may be taken back. You know this. Bring him home and stop this before it's too late.'

Star Wars The Old Republic: The Hero Of TythonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora