Skelly: Why are you making a cake?

Wither: Because you are not feeling well and this will make it better for you!

Skelly: Great, I am just going to get some shut eye . . . .

Wither: Only 2 hours, this will mess up your sleep scedual

Skelly: O . . . .k . . . . .

* I went to sleep very fast, my head hurt so much! It is killing me! I woke up after 1 hour and 30 minutes to see what was happening *

Wither: Finally, somone desided to wake up

* Wither was frosting the cake in pink frosting *

Wither: You like Vanilla, right?

Skelly: Y-Yes . . . . .

Wither: No more sleeping, a messed up sleep scedual is more worse!

* I agreed what Wither said, but my head disagreed with that statement, I want to go home to my dad! Enaya, Twilight, Zom, Piggy, Witha, Zombina, Nina, Skela, Julie, Jessie and Speacter walked in a soom as I woke up *

Enaya: Wither told us you were sick, so we came asap!


* I have a fear of vomiting so hearing that made me almost cry *


Twlight: So sorry! I did'nt know . . . . .

Wither: I DON"T CARE!!!

* We just meet Twilight today and not even a day we are having a fight? What kind of friend group is this? I calmed myself down before speaking to Wither again *

Skelly: Wither, She did'nt know

Wither: But . . . .

Skelly: It is fine!

* I looked at Twilight, She was looking at the ground in shame *

Skelly: Don't worry Twilight, It is fine!

Nina: I am kinda bored here . . . .

Speacter: Maybe cause Wither is here

Wither: HEY!!!

Skela: That is the reason I am bored!

Wither: You guys need some respect!

Witha: You can't say anything, Wither . . . .

Wither: What?

Zombina: Yah, she is right, you yell at Twilight for some stupid reason!

Piggy: Sorry Wither, but they are right . . . .

* Wither was angery and upset at the same time, I wanted to avoid his anger so I changed the subject very quickly *

Skelly: Hey Yall, I am feeling much better, Lets get some boba and head to the Mall!


Zombina: Nina! Wait up!

Enaya: I love boba!

Witha: Me too!


Zom: Who drinks banana flavored boba?

Piggy: You comming Wither and Skel?

* I got up from the bed and decided to wash my face first *

Skelly: I am going to wash my face first, you guys get a spot and some boba and Wither and I will be right there!

Piggy" You do you, Come on Julie!

Julie: I have to study for my Science exam tommorow! I will join you guys another time!

* Julie walked out the dorm room, Piggy left a minute later, I looked at Wither. He was upset but also had a sense of rag in him. I grabed Withers hand and told him to get up *

Skelly: Get up Wither!

Wither: I am not going . . . . you go . . .

Skelly: why?

Wither: I am going to finish the cake and meet you at the boba place

Skelly: I can wait for you . . . . .

Wither: No, no I am fine, just go

* I was no doute confused but stayed quiet for the time being, I got my backpack and filled it with a few snacks like Slime Cookies, Finger Lickers and Monster Mash .  . . .  you don't know what on Earth those things are right? Well, Slime Cookies and Cookies with driping slime! It is so tasty! Figer Lickers sounds disgusting but they are really just gronilla bars with green frosting on it! Monster Mash is a chip brand with green slimy chips! and with snacks you need drinks so my favorite drink Monster Energy ( really what else and they suppost to drink? ) and some bronigors juice! Bronigors is a animal that is  a plant but has slimy teeth and leaf claws! I saw one when I was 1 years old and It was epic, I am planing to go again but not right now! I also packed money, ALOT OF IT! and th- . . . . . I got a text message from Zom . . . . he and the squad want to do a friend wish list finder thing or somthing like that, he asked me to make a list so one of my friend group people could find it! It sounds fun and I like it! I put some paper on my desk and wrote some expansive idems so the person I get can have a mini heart attack. Ok, that is rude so I will make sure the idems are not that expansive!

List of idems I want!
-  The new Rainbow High Bella Doll
-  A necklace with the Name Skelly on it
- The limited edition Cartie-4k stuffy
- Any Mens perfume that smells nice!
- A pink pop-it
- A diary . . .  . pink
- and a stylish pen to go with it

I wrote the idems down on my list and looked at Wither again, I asked him if he wanted to come? He told me it was a waste of time but I know he was just mad about the fact Twilight got him mad! I got my backpack and 100% changed phone and left my dormroom

Wither x Skelly ( DISCONTINUED ) Where stories live. Discover now