The Story of a Human... Code Name: Astra

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This is a story of a girl who was different from the rest

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This is a story of a girl who was different from the rest. Her name was Astra. Now Astra was the only one in her universe with her hair color. No one else was as unique as her.

Astra went to school like the average human being and it was difficult for her. There were students who called her names and bullied her to no end. Astra one day went to her parents to confess what was happening.

Mom, I don't want to go to school anymore. All of the kids there hate me.

"I'm sorry honey but ever since your father died, I can't teach you what you need to know."

But why am I this way? Why can't I be like everyone else and be happy? Even if I could only have one friend in this world I would be happy with just that. Why are you like this?

"Don't argue, Astra. Don't ruin everything again. You were the main reason why your father died in the first place. I am perfectly happy the way things are now and you should be to"

Why do you have to be with some loser! I hate him! Why can't we be-

"Astra that is the final straw! Go to your room now!!"

Astra wished she had a voice but she would forever be silenced. The next day at school, a she would do was stare out the window.

 The next day at school, a she would do was stare out the window

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".... ra...... stra.... ASTRA!!"

Hm? Sorry...

"Astra you need to focus. If you get this question wrong, you will be forced to leave"

The class snickers behind her back but Astra makes sure she delays the answer until the end of the bell. It rings 30 seconds later and she leaves the classroom and heads up to the rooftop where she eats lunch. She likes lunch time because it's the only time where she really isn't bothered by anyone. No one likes going up to the roof because they are afraid of falling. Astra on the other hand didn't care if she fell or not.

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