the iconic duo

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„Hinata, can I ask you something?"
The dark haired beauty turned around to face me and I looked into her very pale grey eyes. She always gave me the shy vibes but she had a really pretty face.
„Of course, you can ask me."
She smiled at me and I sat down next to her while she was closing the book she was reading up to this point.
„Amaya, what's the reason for him to be such a shithead? Was he always like that?"
Hinata seemed to look rather confused when I asked her about Amaya but she shook her head after a while of silence.
„Amaya used to be super social until Sasuke left. It changed everything, with Amayas change so did the schools atmosphere change."
I scratched my head and closed my eyes in frustration

So this asshole became the way he is because of some other guy leaving? What? Where they like secret lovers or something?

„Please, can you tell me more about it, Hinata. I'm really curious. About the change of Amaya."
She looked at me and smiled slightly before turning her head back to her book.

„I'll tell you a little about it, the story of a pair so strong the winds carried one away. And the other ones light turned off."

[2 Years Ago - Flashback]

„Sasuke, you asshole! Why are you always stealing Hinata away from me!"
My eyes went from my book to the person standing now next to me. Shoulder-long white hair that was messily tied back, big grey eyes and round glasses.
„What do you mean with stealing?? She likes to be with me, you idiot. Also, why are you always wearing those ugly glasses, just get contacts already!"
On my other side was a blackhaired student with dark eyes and a bored look on his face.
Even though they were always arguing, no one was ever as close as they are.
„You guys..come on..we need to meet Karin and practice for the concert tomorrow..."
I looked at both of them and sighed before putting my book into my bag and continuing to walk. As I knew, both of them followed without hesitation. Though the days were always long with them, I loved them as much as they loved each other.
„There you are. I was waiting!", the red haired girl in the dance hall seemed a little angry, which is why I calmed her down with a meaningless excuse.
„Let's just start, before we end up messing up tomorrow." Amaya was the first one to stretch and we all followed. Sasuke was constantly looking over to him but his facial expression wasn't bored anymore, moreover it changed to a sad one.
As I stretched myself I couldn't stop but think about what was going on inside of his head. It's been like this for weeks already, something told me that these two may have had a bigger argument without us knowing.
They were always close but the past few weeks, their distance was growing.

„Amaya, be careful of that step before you hurt yourself. Sasuke has to give you the right balance for it, so lean on him.", Karin instructed and they both tried it out making the step look flawless as always. But they weren't even looking at each other.
My heart grew heavy as I saw the once close best friends, drift apart in two different waves.

I need to ask Amaya what happened.

„Okay guys, let's go rest for tomorrow and don't forget to bring your outfits! I think this will be amazing! I'll walk home with you, Sasuke!"
Karin was really happy that everything turned out how she wanted and I couldn't blame her, I felt relieved as well that I still had the steps and lyrics memorised.
As these two left, I looked over to Amaya, who was packing up his bag. Instead of leaving with Sasuke and Karin, he stood behind, which was unusual as these three always walked home together.
„Amaya, talk to me. What happened?"
He lifted his head to look at me and smiled slightly. His smile was lost.
„Hinata, you're really good at analysing people. It's good to have you by my side. Sasuke and I, we will never be like we used to be."
He got up and walked towards the door, before looking back at me.
„Come on, it's already dark, I'll walk you home."
I wasn't feeling very good with the answer he gave me and as we were both walking next to each other I could feel the dark aura that he was hiding in school by acting like nothing ever happened. I was the only one who noticed. Noticed that these two were sailing in two different directions while trying to look for the same shore.
„Thank you for walking me home, I know you live on the other side of the city. But, I want to ask, if you don't mind, what you meant with you two will never be like you used to be."
He smiled at me.
„Well, Hinata, I told him that I love him and he rejected me. That's how it is."
I looked at him calmly before taking his hand in mine and squeezing it tightly to give him some comfort.
It was my idea, I told him he should confess. Amaya's been crushing on Sasuke since 5th grade, it's been 7 years and I was the one who told him he should just confess. So it's my fault.

I felt an even bigger hole in my stomach and tears starting to form in my eyes.

It's my fault.

Amaya suddenly stopped walking and looked at me as he put his hands on both my cheeks and forced me to look back at him.
„Listen, this only gave me more reasons to train harder and become someone who's worthy to stand by his side. I won't give up, I promise."
As much as I felt nauseous, his smile comforted me and I nodded and smiled as well.

I will always be by your side, Amaya. I promise as well.

[Amaya's POV]

I walked home after I brought Hinata home and sighed. She was sadder than I was and as expected from her, she knew immediately that something was wrong. I'm glad I managed to lift her spirits, she doesn't deserve to break her head over something as trivial as that.
And to be honest, I wasn't even completely truthful.
As I approached my front door, I saw a figure standing in front of it, waiting for me to arrive.
„What do you want?"
I looked at the black haired guy in front of me while searching for my keys in my pockets.
„Don't you think we should tell the others, Amaya?"
I shook my head immediately and opened my front door, letting him in as well.
„No, it doesn't matter anyways. Your family won't accept me and we can't do anything. You're going to America in 2 days and I don't want the others to feel even worse just because of me. Hinata cried and everything."
I took my shoes off and walked to the kitchen with him where I turned on the lights. He grabbed me by my hand and pulled me back to him.
„I get it but shouldn't we be our priority? In our own relationship? I'm sick of hiding."
I looked him in the eyes and smiled slightly.
„I already told the others that you rejected me. Your family won't accept me, Sasuke. If they do, after this concert, then let's go official. I promise. But until then, it's better to stay silent."
He pulled me in his embrace and I closed my eyes to let this moment and his closeness sink into my head.
„I love you, Amaya."
I smiled and let myself calm down in his warmth.
„I love you too, Sasuke."

[Flashback End]

„So, Amaya got rejected by Sasuke? I understand, that's how they grew apart. So when and why did Sasuke leave?"
I looked at Hinata, her face changed a little while telling the story but she still remained with a smile.
„Well, sadly Sasuke left after the concert for America to step in his older brothers footsteps and we haven't heard of him since."
I leaned back on the bench and thought about it a little.

So Amaya isn't mean, he's just hurt and scared of being left again?

I looked at the sky and got up before turning towards Hinata.
„Don't worry Hinata, I'll take care of Amaya, just believe in me!"
Her eyes lit up and for the first time, I've seen her genuine smile.

The sight of her smile made me blush and I turned around to face the other way.

She's so pretty, damn!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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