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so... this must be the school, huh?

I slowly approached the big and rich looking white building and plucked a few fluffs of my orange hoodie.
It was a warm but windy day in Konoha, standing infront of the prestige KSAT however made me shiver like on a snowing winter day.
I didn't really fit into this school, neither of my parents were rich and I also didn't consider myself as talented as these other kids.
I liked singing and that's all I had to make me want to audition for the school.
Luckily, I passed the audition and now the director of the school wanted to meet me, which left me with a cold shiver.

Upon entering the building I was greeted by a loud, cheering girl crowd running past me, nearly throwing me on the floor.

Whoa, what the fuck?!

A little curious I decided to follow the girls, who were enthusiastically talking and watching someone sitting in a, what seemed to be, a little lounge.
The person had white fluffy and short hair, paired with intensively bored eyes fixated on a little airpod in their hand. They had a school uniform on, that precisely fit their tall body and long legs.

That's a pretty handsome boy, but oh do I hate popular kids..

I, myself, have never been very popular with girls and even with people in general. I've never had friends and usually people distance themselves from me. It has always been this way and hell, it'll probably be like that again.
Suddenly, his head lifted up and he looked me straight in the eyes, which made me flinch. His eyes were cold, brutally monotone and even scary. However the many grey tones in his eyes somehow made them really pretty.

Shoot, I didn't want to be noticed!!

I immediately rushed by the room down the hall and sighed in defeat.

So scary, I hope I won't cross his path again.

I looked at the map on the wall, trying to figure out where the principals room was, before heading upstairs and ambling through the long corridors. The school was not only big but also had a second building for after-school clubs. It seemed to be a school out of my reach and out of my usual budget. But my parents were really proud when I showed them my acceptance letter and I didn't want to take that from them, so I'd atleast try to fit in.
I knocked on the door three times, before I heard a feminine but strong voice call me in. The principle was a very pretty blonde woman, with a very.. well.. I don't want to say it, but her kimono didn't really fit along her upper body.
„Ah, you must be Namikaze Naruto, isn't that correct? Sit down, boy."
I did as she told me to and smiled at her brightly.

She seems nice enough, though her aura is a little scary.

„I prefer Uzumaki Naruto, ma'am."
She looked at what seemed my letter of application while the room filled with eternal silence.
My parents were well known, they're not rich but my dad used to be a very known opera singer until he had his accident, ever since that, he's been on a wheelchair.
„Alright, your audition tape was excellent, you have an amazing voice, unique enough to enter our Idol Casting Program."
I raised an eyebrow at her words and tilted my head in confusion.
„A what?"
She finally raised her head and looked at me, putting the papers down she was holding in her hands to take out a pen.
„You are going to participate at a Program called Idol Casting. Everyone in this school is competing in either groups or duos against each other to win the chance to become one of our sponsored school idols. It's obligated to every student and is not voluntary. So you have the choice to either participate or leave. " The principle explained in a calm voice but with an harsh undertone that made me realize that I really didnt have a choice.

No way can I just leave. My parents would be super disappointed.. whatever it takes, I will try to stay in this school, even if it means winning this shitty competition!

„Alright, I'll do it!"
She smiled and nodded before getting up and walking towards the door.
„You will be part of a duo, with the only student that doesn't have a partner yet. The name is Chenglei Amaya, you both will be a dancing and singing duo called Sidekickz. Wherever you can dance or not, will be important for future contests, Amaya will explain everything to you."
She handed me a few papers including my room number, a timetable, a program plan and a key, before opening the door.
„You may look around the school and your new room, meet your roommate and get acquainted. Tomorrow will be your official first day in KSAT. You can bring your belongings over tomorrow, just be early so you'll make it to class. Now if you excuse me, I got other businesses to attend to."
She made a hand gesture which literally said "get lost" and I laughed awkwardly before leaving.

Dancing.. I've never danced before but I'll do my best, no matter what! I will show everyone how great of a singer I am, even if it means learning how to dance!

I made my way to the dormitory of the big school, while excitedly thinking about my roommate and new partner.

I hope he's cool and we get along! Maybe we'll even become friends, i have to try my best to socialize with him!

I opened the door in a rush, bumping into a person, that was as tall as me. Looking at them, I froze in surprise.

That's...? That's the dude from before! The popular guy!

I tried forming words with my mouth while looking at him. He had a very feminine, pretty face and a slender body. His proportions were perfect and you could even see his abs through the white fabric of his shirt.
„I'm Uzumaki Naruto, your new roommate and partner in the Idol Program, nice meeting you!", I announced myself, smiling friendly while watching his reaction. He looked at me with his cold eyes before just passing by me, hands in his pockets, leaving me with an open door and confused face.

What the fuck was that?! How fucking rude!!

I snorted angrily and entered the neat and clean room before throwing my bag on the bed that wasn't occupied.

Being popular is one thing, but being rude is another!! He just straight up ignored me.

I looked over to his bed and his half of the room, inspecting it a little to form an idea of how he might be. There was nothing though, not a single family picture or anything else that gave his room some personality. It was just school books on the desk and his blanket. After looking closely though, I saw a little alpaca plush hidden between the many pillows on his bed.


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