007. scars leave beautiful trace

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moon hye trudged her pained feet gently out of the training center. small pools of sweat masked her red forehead, tugging themselves down. " i am in love with you! "

her eyes forced themselves to stare at the scene unfolding beneath her eyes. her fingers drummed quietly at her arm— pushing the ends of her eyebrows at mu — deok and seo yul. mu — deok likes seo yul?

her feet pattered against the earth underneath her soiled figure, the strange feeling cramping once again within her stomach. the young moon sighed. slowly, she turned around, trudging her soiled feet to the jang house hold.


" how'd your training go? "

maidservant kim placed a tray of tea in front of her. " it went okay, "

moon hye's body was soiled— however that was not the reason her heart ached— it was because of mu — deok and seo yul. her red fingertips shook lightly as it drummed against the delicate surface of the tea cup. " oh, hey— uh, hye. yul is outside waiting for you, " jang uk helped himself to a filled cup.

moon hye trudged out hurriedly, her soiled feet shaking painfully.

" oh. hey, are you okay? you look rather pale. " yul remarked, clutching her injured shoulder. " is it healing well? "

moon hye pushed a hum through her pressed mouth hoarsely, swatting his fingers away. a smirk rested itself upon seo yul's lips, pushing a dry chuckle out. " i know you saw me and mu — deok. " hye scoffed at this, " so what? " she pushed her eyebrows to meet forcefully, a firm expression painted across her pale cheeks. if it were not for the smirk across the young seo's mouth, moon hye would have kicked his shin. the moon trudged a short pace back, pushing her back to rest against the closed door. seo yul thrusted himself closer to the moon, pushing his hands to rest prominently at the wall. trapped within his arms, moon hye thrusted her fingers to push him off.

" do not push me away. " supposedly, moon hye's face masked with regret— now thrusting herself tight within the seo boy's warmth. hye's arms cloaked around his body, tugging softly upon her lips a small grin. " sorry, "

" are you okay? ah, your feet hurt don't they? " the seo boy's fingertips brushed against hye's clothed back lightly, tugging her hair behind her ear softly. he'd felt the young girl within his embrace nod against his chest. his fingertips drummed comfortingly at the young moon's back, thrusting his fingers through her hair softly— he brought his chin upon her head gently. " thank you, " hye breathed out.

" for what? "

" for not hating me. "

" i would never, " the latter answered, a hint of surprise cloaking his husky voice.


series of chortles fell from the young jang's mouth loudly, tugging forcefully at hye's blue hanbok. a sigh erupts quietly by the moon's lips— seemingly tired of jang uk's little pranks on mu — deok. hye pushed his clamped hand away, trudging off hurriedly. " oh? lady moon!"

hye puffed up a breath, facing her younger beauty front of herself. " hello, cho — yeon. " said hye quietly. the younger jin clamped a hand around her wrist, tugging her to a stall. " i want to get you something! pick one, " gazing up at her hair, hye found sight of a simple green hair clip resting at her hair— which happened to be at the stall. she pushed her fingertip to point at the one, " that one. it is rather simple. "

cho — yeon's lips tugged up to a smile, purchasing it for the older moon. " thanks yeonie, " after a short chat with the younger jin, hye had trudged away quietly, until a hand thrusted through her fingers softly. " oh!— ah, it is only you, "

seo yul grinned at her.

" actually . . . " yul brought his gaze upon the young moon prominently, " i was at dahyanggok all along. " the seo boy tugged his hand out of hers, a stern expression painted upon his face. " so — so you saw me there? why did not you greet me? what about my other friend i told you about? "

hye forced a sigh to fall from her tongue, " i was— "

" so . . . you had a choice hye. but you chose not to pick, "

" if i did you would've died! " she regretted shouting at her found sight of seo yul's flooded eyes, " a mere note. it would have made me understand. "

" you would have still died. no one could know. if anyone did, they were to be slaughtered. i chose not lose you permanently— although i did for seven years . . . " shrill tears rode themselves down hye's pale cheeks, her lip quivered. the young seo clutched her shoulder, tugging her in, cloaking her fragile figure in a warm embrace. she fisted his purple hanbok in her small hands, breathing quiet sobs at his chest. " i — i'm sorry. i did not know, "

scars do leave beautiful trace. 

like these two halves of a bridge.


argh, i hate making these two cry. 

𝗦𝗡𝗢𝗪𝗬 ━━━  seo yulTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang