004. ocean eyes

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moon hye forced herself to look at the unmoving figure of naksu, the well known shadow assasin. mu — deok looked especially uncomfortable— more so, she was, too, pushing herself to stare.

" they found her body, but it seems she has shifted souls. i hope she isn't alive, " dang — gu trudged forward further, however hye pulled him back, " do not touch her. "

dang — gu gave her a soft nudge into yul, the two almost thrashing against. seo yul cleared his throat, supposedly brushing his palm against the moon child's. after talking about the soulshifting further, the three left— leaving mu — deok and jang uk alone.


park jin had summoned the second daughter of jinyowon for further help. years ago, cho — yeon and hye were friends, however, it, too, had vanished when hye broke herself away. jin cho — yeon had long vanished her anger at the moon child.

" we appreciate your help, i hope we did not disturb you, " said park jin at a smiling jin cho — yeon.

" do not worry, you have not. "

hye chucked a few loose hair behind her ears supposedly moving a further distance away from seo yul. the people of songrim had clutched themselves inside the clamped room— almost like a whole cluster of stars. songrim was the sky, and the people were the stars. they had a moon to embrace— each other.

however moon hye felt alone.

" what's that?" uk paved his steps to the front, tugging mu — deok along. mu — deok had rolled her eyes once again at the young jang's childishness— clenching her small jaw within. moon hye and seo yul were rebuilding the broken bridge— no matter how much they yearned to break away. " it's gwigu. it can detect sorcery, "

cho — yeon waved her deliate fingers about, summoning the dreadful creature within. it snapped out, before running down, trudging closer to moon hye. it pounced, not at her but the person behind. seo yul tugged her small hand, pushing her into his chest, covering her head. cherry red cheeks— screams did not engulf their ears, for they were drowned in each other's warm embrace yet once again. his fingers hugged the moon child's waist, while the other pressed at her hair. a light surge of a strange feeling cramped hye's stomach, sinking herself deeper within seo yul. she looked up at his ocean eyes, while seo yul did the exact same. moon hye could sink deep within his eyes— and never come up for air.

the delicate stare was abruptly broken as the stars of songrim trotted out hurriedly. hye ran out, tugging seo yul with herself. a soulshifter held dreadful eye contact with her, before she unsheathed her own sword, pointing it at it's neck harshly. a wicked chortle fell out of it's mouth, clamping his fingers around the blade.

" moon hye! " the very word came pushing itself off of seo yul's tongue— however he was held back. " do not interfere. this is her battle. she must win it herself, " said the park.

smirking, the soulshifter slashed her shoulder, however she ignored it, pushing the tip of her blade on his shoulder blade. slash after slash, a fraction of blood gushed out of her shoulder, floating as she spun. she sliced it in half, sending the soulshifter toppling about. " kill him! " park jin ordered sternly. she dug her bloody blade deep into it's chest— gasping as she saw it petrify. hye collapsed tiredly on her fear — mushy knees, quickly thrusting himself to her side was seo yul. he embraced his lost moon, hye fisting his hanbok tight with her blood cloaked fingers. hye exhaled nonchalantly, yul patting her bloody shoulder.

" hye, let us go. i'll tend your cut. " seo yul softly tugged moon hye up, thrusting his fingers in between hers. park jin dissmissed the two— leaving dang — gu smiling.


" you must be more careful, " yul remarked, bandaging her arm. a soft exhale fell from his lips. hye nodded looking at him. once again, they stared into each other's ocean eyes, drowning themselves within each other.

" moon hye . . ." yul pushed himself closer to the moon child, " yeah? "

" i . . . i missed you so much. " shrill tears rode themselves down his soft cheeks. " i missed you so much. i — i waited everyday. but — but . . ." he sobbed quietly on hye's shoulder.

" i'm so sorry. one day i'll tell you why i left alright? i don't want to talk about it now. " she felt the young seo nod against their embrace— but this time it was her who calmed him underneath her fingertips. she thrusted her fingers into the soft black hair of the young seo, gently running them through. she enveloped his now weak figure within herself, letting the young seo sob into her embrace. 


tsk, tsk, it took seo yul long enough to say such three simple words. what about those other three, i love you? i badly need him to say that aaaaaaaaargggghhhh. if he's startled he'll loose his sense of direction— what about if he's in love? 🤣🤣

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