Jurassic Park: A Rats Surprise

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A months went by and everyone had gotten used to their forms and some what used to their Primal Instincts. Methera decided to join and tag along with the Dinobots.

"Snarl this is where you said you were attack by the dilophosaurus a month ago?," Dinobot asked.

"Yes, it happened by this beautiful waterfall," Snarl said taking in the beautiful of the area.

"Hmm, it could be a great," Dinobot said.

"What do you mean?," Snarl asked.

"We could build a retractable bridge from here to pass through the waterfall to an entrance to our base," Dinobot said.

"But will we be able to find the right materials?," Snarl asked but before Dinobot could answer they saw a small stasis pod was coming down a few clicks away.

"Is that a stasis pod?," Snarl asked. "Yes... it's not landing far from here. I'll go follow it and you contact the others," Dinobot said.

"Snarl to Grimlock come," Snarl said. "I hear you Snarl. Let me guess you see the stasis pod too?," Grimlock said. "How did you know?," Snarl asked. "Sludge spotted it before you called we're on our way now, but Slash said it looked like it was landing in a dense forest, we won't be able to go through the forest so Slash and Methera went ahead to stasis pod, I suggest you follow with them Dinobot," Grimlock said. "Understood," Dinobot said running ahead of Snarl and the rest followed far behind.

*With the Transformer*

"Ugh oh man. I thought I was gonna die," The Transformer said looking around seeing a couple of Compies and scanned one through his eyes and transformed and was larger then the rest of them.

*Back with the other*

Dinobot eventually caught up with Slash and Methera and they were at the stasis pod that was already opened.

"What? Has the Transformer already come out?," Dinobot said.

"It appears so, this transformer must have been a minicon, this pod is very tiny," Slash said and Methera started to grow at the leaves and bushes.

Slash: Ra ra ra. Translation: Methera what is it?

Methera: Snirres ra ra ra snirres. Translation: I heard something, something is stalking us.

Then a whole bunch of Compies came out of the bushes and the three quickly handled them and Dinobot transformed and used his tail blade to cut up the bushes until all of a sudden a small bomb that went off and caused vines to spread and trapped the velociraptors and scared off the Compies.

"What in the inferno?," Dinobot said.

"Tst tst tst even in this new life Chopperface you still need me to save your scale belly," A compy said walking up the three transforming, his head had what looks like a silver brain and orange eyes.

"Rattrap?," Dinobot said.

"The one and only," Rattrap said who then deactivated the trap.

Mether was about to attack Rattrap but Dinobot stopped her and explained.

"Rattrap? I think I've heard of you, you were apart of Optimus Primals crew of Maximals to chase down Megatron and his crew of Predicons," Slash said.

"Oh you heard of me? An intergalactic hero," Rattrap said in a egotistical tone.

"No, I was offline before I can, but I did hear you used to be called Rattletrap and worked in Cybertrons Sewers and be an energon miner," Slash said causing Rattrap to mumble to himself.

"Hehe ho ho same old Rattrap," Dinobot said.

"Grimlock to Dinobot come in," Grimlock said. "I hear you Grimlock. We found the Transformer, we are on out way back now, Dinobot out," Dinobot said and they started to drag the stasis pod with them and Methera scouted ahead.

"So Dinobot, what's your story on being here?," Rattrap asked.

"Simply to be the teams warrior and battle strategies," Dinobot said.

"Ah so the usual for you. For me I'm not the Demolition Expert like I was in our timeline, but rather the Demolition and Trapper Expert," Rattrap said.

"Trapper? Why are you a Trapper Expert?," Slash asked.

"After defeating Megatron we took him back to Cybertron on an Autobot Shuttle but during the way back to Cybertron Megatron broke free and got to Cybertron before us and took over the planet, but eventually we defeated Megatron and turned the planet into a fully Techno-Organic Planet, but during that I created Techno-Organic bombs to stop Megatrons veichons," Rattrap explained.

"Did you ever meet a Transformer called Nightstream?," Slash asked.

"That depends, did he have an emo teenager attitude and color sky blue?," Rattrap asked.

"Yes yes he did," Slash said.

"That's the one, but he's called Nightscream after getting a bat form," Rattrap said.

"Glad to know he got away and survived," Slash said.

They soon caught up with the rest of the dinobots.

"Wow don't I feel tiny," Rattrap said.

"Who are you?," Slag asked.

"Call me Rattrap," Rattrap said.

"Rattrap? But your not a rat," Sludge said.

"Yeah well Compies are the rats of the dinosaur world," Rattrap said.

"Well it's an honor to meet you," Grimlock said.

"And who might you all be?," Rattrap asked.

"I'm Grimlock, this is Slag, Snarl, and Sludge," Grimlock said.

"Wow wow the original four out if five Dinobots?," Rattrap asked surprised.

"Yes as Dinobot says," Slag said.

"Is it true?," Rattrap asked.

"Yes... I was told to be the teams Battle Strategies," Dinobot said.

"By the Oracle?," Rattrap asked causing Dinobot to nod.

Hours later after bringing Rattraps Stasis Pod back to camp and the five carnivores went hunting they returned for the night.

"So Rattrap tell us your story," Grimlock said.

"Well being galactic patrol wasn't exactly in my subscription you know what I'm saying? We were the closest ship to Megatrons and we followed him and his Predicons to Prehistoric Earth, although we didn't know that at the time because it had two moons and... *Time goes by* And then we we came across these flying mountains and island and then we were blind *More time passes* and then we became Transmetals with cooler forms and then *More time passes* and Dinobot died by saving early humans and we then found The Ark *More time passes* and after Megatron broke free we came to Cybertron being ruled by Megatron and his veichcons and then we couldn't transform like we used to and we came across Nightscream *More time passed* and we found out about the spanks and came cross this beautiful treeformer called Botanica *More tike passed* and then our leader defeated Megatron and saved all of us and turned Cybertron into a Techno-Organic Planet," Rattrap said finishing.

"Wow," Sludge said.

"That's quite the story," Grimlock said as everyone went to sleep.

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