Irrational Media

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Art for this chapter is by G Mark :)

"They're just stupid extras," Bakugou said softly "Don't let them get to you."

Walking into UA that day had been a nightmare. People screaming insults at you, going out of their way to harass you. The sudden kind words caught you off guard. Especially coming from Bakugou.

"I won't," you started to smile, but then remembered your grudge. Your smile died.

You decided to be blunt.

"Listen, Bakugou. If you really want to be my friend, then you can't badmouth Shinsou. Do you get that?"

Bakugou gazed down at you steadily. You suddenly realized how close he was. He leaned over you, supporting himself with his hand on the lockers above your head.

"I promise I won't start rumors," he said lowly "But if he brainwashes you again, I won't let it go. He can't get away with that."

"Okay, sure," you looked away from his steady gaze, flustered.

The bell suddenly rang, making you jump.

"Oh, class is starting!" you ducked under Bakugou's arm and sprinted towards the classroom.

"Oh, class is starting!" you ducked under Bakugou's arm and sprinted towards the classroom

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Bakugou's point of view

He watched you run off to class. The conversation had gone better than he expected. He was glad to be on good terms with you. But was this how you were going to end every conversation with him? Running away or jumping out of a window? He stared after you then growled in annoyance at himself for acting like a wistful puppy.

You were already at your desk when he reached the classroom and sat down. Kirishima nudged him, giving an uncertain thumbs up/ thumbs down, eyebrows raised questioningly. Bakugou scowled, but gave a thumbs up. Kirishima beamed proudly. Stupid-hair probably thought that improving things with you was manly or something.

Aizawa started roll call. Bakugou glanced over at you. You gaze kept straying towards the door, as you tapped your feet restlessly under your desk. Were you expecting someone? Who? He examined the bright orange gauntlets on your hands. Those were new. A support item? He narrowed his eyes. What did they do?

He was so focused on you that he almost missed Aizawa Sensei's announcement. He started paying attention as Denki nudged him excitedly.

"...New student," Aizawa was saying. "Starting this week. Please give him a good introduction to the hero course."

Bakugou scowled. Who was this new student? It didn't matter. He was going to be the best no matter who he had to compete against.

Aizawa Sensei glanced at his watch, frowning. The door to the classroom opened. A tall teen with gravity-defying indigo hair stood in the doorway, smirked at Bakugou, then walked over to Aizawa Sensei.

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