Irrational Parenthood

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YouTube vid above, in case you'd rather have these next couple chapters read aloud to you by yours truly. :)

It had been a few days since Aizawa had rescued you, since he'd offered to take care of you, since everything had changed. You'd healed up enough to be released from the hospital. You and were going to stay with Aizawa while the adoption papers were finalized. 

He'd cleared out an old office room on his second floor for you. It was a smallish room but the big windows were amazing and your cat self loved how it flooded the space with puddles of sunlight. He'd even found an old twin bed frame at a garage sale, and had fitted it with a new mattress which he picked up on the way back from work while you were still in the hospital. It had no bedding, just a coral pink sleeping bag. 

Other than the bed, the room was completely bare. You'd stood next to him, looking at it wordlessly.

"I've never been great at decorating," Aizawa said, putting a hand to the back of his neck "but we'll get it more comfortable soon."

You finally moved. You spun back around to Aizawa, throwing your arms around him and hugging him tightly. He stiffened in surprise at your hug before relaxing, chuckling and ruffling your dark hair.

"That happy to be here, kid?"

You didn't let go. "Yes."

Aizawa chuckled, "ah well, I promise I'll do my best for you...problem child."

He watched you explore the room with cat-like curiosity, fluffing the sleeping back, checking in the empty closet, and peering curiously at the suburban view out the windows.

The words of an old friend came to his mind... "as a trio, we can do anything, save anyone...starting with a single cat." A bittersweet memory. Things hadn't gone according to that plan. But that didn't mean going back on his resolve. Starting with a single cat...

Analyzing people was in Aizawa's nature. He could see that you still jumped at slight noises. He could see how you shrunk away from attention and he could see that sometimes when you got lost in thought your eyes went dull and emotionless. He knew that the injuries to your emotions and mentality would not heal as quickly as your fading bruises. But he was also certain that you could do it. He'd seen your strength and determination from the moment he met you. That's why he'd named you Eiko... a name meaning "enduring" and "child."

There was a bang as the door downstair slammed open, causing Eiko to jump and Aizawa to sigh. There was only one friend loud enough and daring enough to burst into his house uninvited. "SHOOOOTAAAAA!" Mic bellowed. "Why didn't you update me?!"

Mic pounded up the stairs to see Aizawa standing with arms folded. You peeked out from behind him, fingers curled around the fabric of his black shirt.

"SO IT'S TRUE!!!!!!" Hizashi yelled. Aizawa was just fast enough to cancel his friends quirk before he made their ears bleed.

"Mic," he growled "get ahold of yourself."

You stared in fascination at the way your dad's hair floated when he used his quirk. You'd seen him do that once before, when he rescued you, but you'd been too preoccupied to stare. Aizawa's quirk-enhanced red glare seemed to subdue Mic slightly.

 Aizawa's quirk-enhanced red glare seemed to subdue Mic slightly

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