Im Sorry

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~Chapter Twenty-one~

An entire month had passed, it was now September. Killua didn't change the slightest when it came to waking up early. Gon was used to the school schedule by the first week.

But the thing is, Killua dreaded school even more. Not because more work was getting handed out, but because Gon had been hanging out with other people ever since the second week of school.

Killua didn't like it. He felt left out alot of the times, and he hated making new friends so that was not an option. The best he could do was sit alone by the tree as he watched Gon from a distance.

It was already lunch break, Kil had fallen asleep under the tree. He and Gon may have lived together, but being alone at school was different.

Killua always felt judging eyes staring at him nonstop. Without Gon being next to him Kil didn't feel any happy presence what so ever. His whole emotion would change the moment he woke up for school, knowing Gon wouldn't be by his side.

Killua sighed at the sound of the bell, he stood there for a few seconds just hoping Gon would come and give a quick goodbye, but nothing. He just walked to class slowly, lucky to sit down in his seat the second before the bell gave another rang.

Kil knew that it was just Gon making new friends and enjoying life, and that Kil should be happy for the boy. But a major part of him ached. Gon was the only reason Killua was able to get through a school day.

He tried his best to focus in class, but Gon kept traveling the boy's mind. Shut up. Killua thought to himself, he knew he was being selfish. They lived in the same household so Kil shouldnt be bothered in the slightest. He let out a quiet sigh as he looked up to the front of the classroom, the teacher explaining the new lesson.

Time Skip

Killua was barely in third period, though he felt as though it had been more. Classes seemed overwhelming and longer. Kil gave himself a mental slap, Stop being dramatic. He tried his hardest to walk it off.

Break had finally arrived, Killua wasn't bothered to look for Gon. Instead he lay by the tree and decided to take a nap. He was exhausted.

Gon was laughing as he hung out with his friends, their names were Kayden and Carlos. He had met both of them in history.

Kayden was his first friend, they share the same table in class. And Carlos was Kaydens friend, who was also in the same class.

Kayden had introduced the two to each other, and that's how the group was formed.

(The names are made up, not from hxh)

The three were throwing a football around as they talked about the 'horrible' history project they'd been assigned.

Even worse, they couldn't do the project in groups. But Gon didn't mind this, he enjoyed school projects.

They were enjoying the conversation until Kayden threw the ball a little too hard, and it ended up hitting a sleeping boy.

The three ran to the boy who shouted a curse word the closer they got Gon noticed it was Killua.

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