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"No don't shoot it's an order".

"But sir, If we don't shoot than how will we save the life of those remaining innocent people who are waiting for us in a hope that we will come and save them".

"Didn't you heard what I said CAPTAIN it's an order of your superior. DO NOT SHOOT ANYONE".

Captain clench his jaws in anger after hearing his superior's harsh order in the microphone. He is angry beyond angry because he was tied up with the rules & the orders.
But he can't forget how he loose many of the police officers and soliders here a couple of hours ago so he said.

"Noted sir".

Captain and other soldiers heard the voice of bullets and the shouts and screams of people once again as they began shooting because their demands has not been fulfilled yet. He remove the sweat from his forehead and took a deep breath.

When he again heard another gun shots he mutter "fuck it" and he puts his cap back while loading his gun.

And he immediately call his team. "THE DELTA WOLVES".

Six of them stand in front of him and he look at them with a serious look. With a deep breath and shout.
"Soldiers! Get ready. We are going to attack in a minute." He command.

Everyone looked shockingly at him. They were tired and exhausted but was equally confused as they just got orders to not attack.

Everyone was tired and shocked because captain is disobeying the orders of the superior.

He know that he is going to pay more this time for his disobedience rather than the other times before & if he loose any of his soldiers the situation will become more terrible.

The special force already attack once on the terrorist and they kill some of the terrorists but killing the terrorists is not only their mission they have to save the hostage (there are innocent people there who are hostage).
While saving the hostages they loose many of their soldiers. And now they got the orders from the superiors to not attack and to wait. The special force stop attacking but terrorists are still killing the people. The screams and chaos was everywhere.

In the evening the news spread everywhere like fire that a group of terrorists has attacked on a hospital and they are start firing crazily and killed many people. The police and military was already there and tried to stop this massacre but it doesn't work. So the Military General (the head of the military) do the meeting with the ministers and they ask the General to call his best soliders to stop this massacre and the special force and the best military force team of the country was called. The "THE DELTA WOLVES" & their head was "Captain -Captain  Jeon Jungkook".

Present time

He make the plan for there 2nd attack and this time he know his plan is going to be difficult but he has set up his mind to end this massacre.
He is thinking about those innocent people who are waiting for them.

The General get the news that captain is going to attack, he talk to the captain on the microphone and tell him to stop "jeon jungkook who told you to attack uh didn't you heard what I said do not attack we have to wait, the superiors wants to caught those terrorists alive."

Captain said "sorry sir but if we don't take the action right now then they will kill every single person even before your next order and I can't let it happened" after that he disconnect the microphone while leaving the general shouting on the other side.

Everyone was looking at the captain they know captain is going to be in trouble but they know that he is right so everyone (the delta wolves) get ready with their captains single command.

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