17: I Could Be Anything, I'll Be Your Everything

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"Put your lips close to mine
As long as they don't touch
Out of focus, eye to eye
'Til the gravity's too much
And I'll do anything you say
If you say it with your hands
And I'd be smart to walk away
But you're quicksand
This slope is treacherous
This path is reckless
This slope is treacherous
And I, I, I like it"
-Treacherous; Taylor Swift

You walked back down the Champs-Élysées, stopping in a few stores here and there as you went. Katya continued to buy you things at each store you stopped in, and you were sure you would go home with an entire new wardrobe once the trip was done.

You suspected she liked buying you things just to see the pleasant flush on your cheeks when she would swipe her card and tell the shop assistant to send your purchases to her apartment.

She had to stop back in to have a final fitting on a couple of the Dolce suits she had ordered, and she directed you to go roam the store while she was being fitted and pick out whatever you wanted. You browsed the racks, picking out a little black cocktail dress, a soft cashmere sweater and a pair of tailored pants that you tried on and deemed to be perfect for you. You also snagged a gorgeous pair of cat-eye tortoiseshell sunglasses, and the sales associate packed them all away to be sent to Katya's apartment for you.

You waited in the dressing room for her after assuring her that you had already picked out some things for yourself, watching her admire her reflection in the mirror, looking over her shoulder. The suit would have been hideously ugly on anyone else, all pale pink brocade covered in a distressed gold pattern and edged with pink silk ribbon, with a perfectly fitted vest and a jacket that emphasized the bold line of her shoulders. She had looped a small pink velvet bow through the collar to serve as a tie, and she looked unbelievably hot and powerful.

You stared at her like you wanted to consume her, like you would give up your own identity to merge with hers and become one flesh, one blood, one soul. You wanted to sink so deeply into her soul that you and her were virtually indistinguishable, wanted to give up your own life and live here, in this soft and hallowed daydream with her forever.

Her intense gaze softened slightly as she met your gaze in the mirror. "You like it, детка?" She asked, doing a small spin on her bare feet. Her toes were painted a bright red, and they clashed insanely with the suit. You grinned, nodding enthusiastically.

"You look amazing, Katya. I can't think of anyone else that could pull that off." Katya laughed, letting the sales associate help her out of the jacket, her scarred fingers quick on the buttons of the vest. You noted with a critical eye that the fingers of her right had weren't as swollen as they had been, and felt a small surge of pleasure.

Lunch was, in fact, another incredibly romantic affair. Katya had arranged for you to have a private river cruise of the Seine on a small boat captained by a man named Jean-Luc, who had approximately four teeth and spoke zero English. He grinned at the both of you, though, and mostly left you alone after helping you both onto the boat.

You were delighted to find that she had arranged for a picnic lunch on the bow of the little boat, a low table set up with two low cushioned chairs. There was a spread of various cheeses, crusty bread, a selection of sandwiches, some pastries and macarons, and a bowl of fresh fruit. A bottle of Dom Perignon was chilling in a silver bucket, and a bouquet of red roses sat in a vase. You turned and wrapped your arms around her neck, kissing her all over her face as she laughed and pretended to fight you off, her hands warm around your waist and your heart fluttering frantically inside your chest.

"Katya, this is so romantic," you breathed, kissing her cheek again. "I can't believe you did all this!" Katya preened happily.

"I can be romantic when I want to," she said, beaming at you and kissing you deeply. "Come on, I'm starving."

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