On The Lookout.

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Today Vance and I were going out to look for my sister, Amy. As my alarm woke me up I quickly dashed to my bathroom to brush my hair and teeth before putting on some comfortable pants with a hoodie. I practically went flying down the stairs to the kitchen to make myself a quick meal. My parents had already gone to work so I was alone, if Any was still here I wouldn't be. Vance was picking me up early in the morning so we can look for her all day, for some reason he was being nice to me after I beat his highscore, maybe he already beat it and put it behind him. I put the bread into the toaster and made some coffee, I grabbed the toast from the toaster and ate it quickly taking a few sips of my coffee before putting on my shoes and grabbing my bag. It was nice out so I decided to wait for Vance outside, there was really no way to find out where he was since I didn't get his house number when he offered to help find Amy.

"Hey." A voice said, I quickly looked up to see Vance standing there with that stupid smirk he always had. "Oh hey, you ready?" I got up and walked over to the fence opening it making me stand infront of him. "Yeah, let's go." As we walked down the street we walked in silence, not comfortable silence, awkward silence. "Thank you." Vance stopped and turned to look at me, "For what?" He raised his eyebrows. "For helping me look for my sister, I really appreciate it." I smiled, "It's no problem." We began to walk again, this time it was a comfortable silence. "Hey, when we're done for today want to go get something to eat?" I watched as he nodded his head and some what smiled, it was the first time I saw him smile and god, he should really smile more. "Take a picture it will last longer." Shit, I was staring again. "My bad." He giggled, it was kind of cute, but shit. I can't be falling for him even more then I already have. We continued to walk until sunset, we decided to go to the diner across from the Grab N' Go. As we walk in we get stares, I mean, Bruce the baseball campion and Pinball Vance hanging out? That was something unexpected. We got a table near the window and sat down in silence looking at the menu before he finally broke the silence. "What you getting?" I looked up from my menu and met his gaze, "My usual, a burger and fries. What about you?" I watched as he looked back at the menu, "The same as you." I smiled, "nice." He finally looked back up again. As we waited patiently for the waiter we made small talk, mostly about our favorite things and turns out we had a lot in common. The waiter finally came and we ordered our stuff, as she left Vance mumbled something. "Hm?" I didn't really hear him and wanted to know what he said. "Can I ask you a weird question?" Oh god, where would this go, of course I wanted to know but didn't want my answer to sound rude or something. I simply nodded, he looked nervous like the nervous you would be when your about to go on a rollercoaster. He whispered something but I didn't catch what he said, "hm??" I was getting impatient and really wanted to know what he said. "Bruce, do you like guys??..."

woah 😱

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