Vance, are you alright?

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Bruce POV:
"Hey go away before I call the police!" I don't know why I said that but it came to my mind to say it. Their heads all turned to look at me, "Vance your fucking lucky someone came to save you." One of the taller boys said. I walked over to Vance quickly and examined his face, he had cuts and bruises everywhere. "Uhm Vance? You got beat up pretty well if you want I could help you treat your wounds." I said again without thinking, god I should really think before saying anything at this point. "Uhm sure" He sounded kinda unsure of what to say but I held out my hand and got him up then rapped my arm around him and led him to my house. I opened the door and luckily no one was home, I led Vance to the upstairs bathroom and made him sit down on the counter. I took out the first aid kit then began to treat his wounds, a couple of time he winced in pain but other than that he was okay. I zoned out a couple of times looking at his eyes, they were really pretty. His whole face was pretty, god what was I thinking. Surely if he knew what I thought of him he would kill me. "Uhm Bruce??" Shit, maybe he would think I'm weird for staring, "My bad." Luckily for me he shrugged it off. "Oh uhm by the way, I heard about what happened to your sister, I'm sorry. Also I'm sorry for beating you up a while ago and about the incident at the Grab N' Go, I didn't mean it." He sounded some what sincere so I took the apology. "It's fine, don't worry about it." I smiled or some what smiled, remembering about my sister brought my mood down.

Vance POV
Without thinking I asked him, "Uhm if you want I could help you look for your sister, it's the least that I could do." Bruce's face instantly brightened up, "You would do that?"
"I mean yeah, so do you want my help or not asshole?" Shit, I didn't mean to call him that.
"Yeah of course I want your help, thank you." His smile looked sincere, I liked his smile it was cute, but shit Vance. Stop thinking like this, Bruce won't like you. "Take a picture it would last longer." Shit I must've zoned out looking at him. "Fuck you" Vance said making Bruce giggle. "Oh uhm I finished so you're free to go." "Oh, thank you uhm want to start looking for her tomorrow?" I don't know why I was being nice honestly, something about Bruce made me feel like I could let my guard down. "Sure." Bruce said while letting me get off the counter. "Alright well, bye see you tomorrow."

Vance had left the house, I don't know why but there was this feeling, this sad feeling but I didn't know what it was. Maybe I didn't want him to leave, maybe I wanted him to stay just for a little longer. Shit, I know this feeling. I liked Vance fucking Hopper.

Words: 545
Short chapter but there all short if u think of it that way 😭

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