Three men from the era of 1307 that they died in Paris during the trails. They were able to escape from paris, starting over again.

They soon knew that they were different. They did not understand how or why this had to happen. The leader Godfrey took charge of the group. Beside the other two would follow Godfrey no matter what.

They went around the world over the years trying to figure out condition they have. But they also put their talents to good use. They became Mercenaries for many groups over the years. Where the three of men did good work, sort of. Over the years they did take breaks from each others, staring under the radar. And everything was good. Until 1961 when each of the men came back together because they saw another immoral like them. They have been seeing her for four years now. The only thing that they needed to do is get the girl.

But the girl, Alice Bishop was just like them and she has been on her own for a while.

The guys found her in England in an abandoned flat in the east end of poplar England. She had a drinking bender the whole time while she got to england when she fled from the county she was in last.


Alice -

Here I am again going back to a place I swore to myself that I would never return to. But hey, I am here now. Back in my home town. The place I was born.

Let me tell you something funny, or least I think it is funny. To the eye I look like a regular person. A young person, 18 years old right. But in truth I was born in 1939 and died in 1957 but here I am stuck in my age.

Fun right. Not. At this point I am tried and it has only been a few years, four I think. It does not help when I close my eyes I see them. Those three men looking for me and pretty much the same. They could see me and I can see them when I am sleeping. Not the greatest feeling but also for some reason they are looking for me. I have no reason why.

But the place I left for good reasons and headed back to England was Rome Italy. As right now I am drinking this great drink. I wonder how much I can drink? Could I get alcohol poisoning? What do I care. Just want to end this, I know it sounds pathetic.

Just going to drink it away.


Landry -

Chasing this girl has been a pain in the ass. I know she knows about us but she keeps running away from us. Me and the others will not stop until we get her. Don't want her to expose herself about her condition. It is better to stay hidden.

Getting off the train moving against the crowd we start to look for the kid.

After a few hours we step into the east end where we came to an abandoned flat. Entering inside we see her. Knocked out by the alcohol. Getting closer to the kid, seeing that she must be young than I thought.

" Pick her up. And we will head to the place until we make our next move" Godfrey spoke.

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