His mother told him stories about the Three Fates. How she actually knew two of them. Supposedly one had even been present during his birth. Since then, however, the Three Fates kept to themselves. They were often exploited for their powers. Everyone wanted their help, wanted to know their destinies, to understand their fate. The Fates were overwhelmed with the greed of people and because of this, chose to relocate to a near impossible place to access.

Ralf supposed this would cut back on the nagging needs and desires of the people. After all, a person was much less likely to seek their help if they had to climb a treacherous mountain first.

Even with the aid of his dragon, the journey had been demanding. The weather had been cold and wet, more so the closer they got to the mountain. At night the winds blew so cold and so loudly that Ralf could barely hear the sound of his own teeth chattering. Mirum was able to keep him warm to an extent. Any fire she lit was soon blown away by the winds. Lighting a larger fire was out of the question, unless they wanted to spread a wildfire across the land.

Instead Ralf relied on the sheer body heat from his dragon. At night he curled close to her belly, her wings blanketing him from the harsh weather around them. Mirum fared well enough, not accustomed to sleeping in such conditions, though her ancestral blood kept her warm regardless. Dragons used to thrive in such places, hiding out high in the peaks of mountains.

It was hard to imagine Mirum outside the comfortable shelter of the Dragon's Den back at the castle. The dragons of Lyra were coveted and kept spoiled, their every need provided for.

Apart from the poor weather and some other mild discomforts, Ralf had found the journey to be a much needed distraction. Flying Mirum was always so peaceful and he couldn't remember the last time he had flown her for such a long distance. He enjoyed her company, enjoyed their conversations. They had a lot to talk about but they also enjoyed bouts of silence, taking in the scenery around them, allowing their minds to rest and wander.

Once in a while they would take breaks, more for Ralf's comfort than Mirum's. She was a strong and powerful dragon, experienced in flying for such lengths of time. Ralf, however, was getting sore from sitting so long. Sometimes he would shift out of the saddle and maneuver around on his dragon. It was difficult with his left leg, but he could manage to climb up higher onto her neck, or move towards her backside and lounge supine, his gaze on the clouds.

Ralf thought about Karolina more than he wanted to. After all, there wasn't much else to do. Mirum was doing the hard work, all Ralf had to do was sit and think and wait.

Eventually Mirum announced We're getting close. I can see the mountain in the distance.

Ralf, with his human eyes, saw nothing. No mountain in sight. It took another five minutes before his eyes could barely make out the faint peaks of a mountaintop in the distance. He shifted in his seat, sitting up and getting alert. This was it.

They strategized quickly where to land. Mirum wouldn't be able to go with him into the hideout, but she was able to drop him off as close as she could.

Years ago the act of sliding off his dragon and onto the edge of the tallest mountain in the world would have made his stomach drop. But Ralf knew if he were to lose his footing, his dragon would catch him. He trusted her with his life and knew he was always safe with her. The act of hiking up the remainder of the peak and into the Three Fates' lair without Mirum was what troubled him. This was as close as Mirum could safely get him. From here on out he was on his own.

Be careful Ralf. Take your time getting up there. I'll be here waiting for you to return. I know Shade said I wouldn't be able to fit inside, but just say the word and I'll tear the peak of this mountain apart to get to you.

The Dragon Bond: Heirs of LyraWhere stories live. Discover now