10. Panic

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'Many worthy fighters have died trying to make it to the great games. When most of you worthless scum join them in death this afternoon, it will represent a significant rise in your station. But if you do happen to triumph here, you will fight at the Great Pit of Daznak itself in front of the queen. So whatever happens, the gods have smiled upon you today. This is the day your lives actually start to mean something. You and you. You. You two. You, you, and you. Up.' Yezzan declared, Willow paced nervously.

'Valar morghulis.'

'Valar dohaeris.' The men chosen echoed.

'Prepare yourselves. Sitting through the great games will be bad enough. For generations in the days leading up to the great games, it has been customary for our ruler to make the rounds of the lower pits to pay the fighters there the honor of her presence.' They could hear cheering and applause, from the side wing as they waited for certain death.

'Move yourselves.

'Your Grace. Your future Grace. You honor us all.'

'Stand there. Stand straight. That's the fucking queen.'

'We fight and die for your glory, O glorious queen.'

'We fight and die for your glory, O glorious queen.' The crowd echoed.

'Fight!' the sound metal clanging, men shouting, grunting, the applause, cheering and screams it all echoed and Willow thought she was going to be sick.

'I think I've seen enough.' Daenerys said looking down on the blood bath before her.

'Your Grace, it is a tradition for the queen to stay until the victor has emerged.' Hizadhr told her.

'I've sacrificed more than enough for your traditions.' Daenerys told him

'What are you doing? Wait your turn, you piece of fucking filth.' The trader shouted as jorah ran out.

Willow looked green. That was the only way to describe her. A hand over her mouth as she panted a heavy breath.

''I was bluffing that was a bluff and luck.'' Willow hissed as she paced back and forth.

''It kept you with me.'' Tyrion offered

''Because being with you has been so grand!'' Willow spat back

''Hey ouch that hurts.'' Tyrion told her.

''Tyrion,'' she whined ''when i go out there I die. I cant fight like grandpa Jo can.'' Jorah glanced back at her.

''If I remember correctly you married a grandfather.'' Jorah countered ''perhaps I'm your type.' she gave him both her middle fingers before turning back to tyrion.

''This is it. I'm going to die.'' Willow remarked.

''No its not. You are not going to die.''

''I see no other outcome.' Willow corrected.

'Is that the nice way of saying you regret coming with me.' Tyrion teased slightly

'Tyrion,' Willow moaned "I'm going to die, we are going to die and for the first time in a long while I don't want to die." Willow admitted as her heart started racing her breathing accelerated and her vision went blurry. She collapsed to her knees her whole body shaking with worry.

Jorah moved to the small hole in the wall to see his queen sitting there watching the fight. This was his chance. He ran out of the hut and made his way to the ptis. Grunts echoed as Jorah took down the competition. Tyrion pulled at his chains to see. Willow didn't notice a guard come up and cut Tyrion free until she felt his hand on her. The crowd started cheering a round of applause, for the victor, Jorah Mormont. He removed his helmet and the queen was less than thrilled.

Tyrion kissed willow. When he pulled back he rested his forehead against hers his thumb stroking her cheek.

''You were having a panic attack.'' Tyrion told her softly

''Was I?'' Willow whispered her eyes still closed a sniffle in her nose.

''When you kiss someone. You hold your breath.'' Tyrion remarked

''I did?''

''Yeah.'' He kissed her softly again. ''You feel better?'' Willow nodded slightly. ''Good. Good.'' Tyrion stared at her a moment longer. ''You know... I know you are scared because you didnt give me some sarcastic comment.'' Tyrion told her softly and a smile tugged at her lips so he kissed her again.

"Time to go meet the queen I think." Tyrion told her and she nodded standing up.

'Get him out of my sight.' Dany demanded.

'Khaleesi, please, I just need a moment of your time please I brought you a gift.' Jorah said locking eyes with Daenerys.

'It's true,' Tyrion said stepping out 'he has.' Willow let out a shaky breath as she followed Tyrion.

'Who are you?'

'I am the gift.' Tyrion told her 'it's a pleasure to meet you at graces my name is Tyrion Lannister.' Danny stared down at them.

'A gift?' Daenerys questioned.

'I am the gift.' Tyrion confirmed.

'And you are?''

''Willow.'' Daenarys stared down at her. Frey wasnt a loved name and Lannister really wasnt at the moment. ''Just willow.'' She offered.

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