"What? That's true." Rachel giggled. "She may be my carbon copy, but she definitely has your stubbornness and The Geller's competitive streaks."

At the age of two, Emma Green-Geller was a spitting image of her mother. She was a social butterfly and she loved making friends, especially now that Ross and Rachel had put her to a daycare during the day where she could meet other kids around her age. She was strong-headed - pretty much like both her parents did, and she loved, like really loved the color pink and Disney princesses. In fact, the little girl actually thought she was a real princess. She literally demanded everyone to call her 'Princess Emma', that too included the cashier at the grocery shop or even the mailman for that matter.

She was the ultimate daddy's little girl, having her dad wrapped in her tiny little fingers - like nobody else did. But when it's bedtime, Emma clung to her mom like a baby koala. It gave Ross a headache sometimes, especially when Rachel had to come home late from work. But everything was worth it in the end when Ross saw his little girl asleep in her crib, realizing that it was something that he never could take for granted again.

"Well I'm glad she inherits some of my traits, even though I'm not sure whether it's a good thing or a bad thing."

"It's a good thing." She assured him, all jokes aside. "She's competitive, but that's going to prepare her better for the real world. She's also compassionate, like her dad. Incredibly smart for her age, again, definitely from her dad. She may look almost exactly like me, but then she did something and all I can think about is how similar you two are."

"I hope that's a good thing."

"Oh, honey." Rachel smiled, leaning in to kiss his cheeks quickly. "It's the best thing."

"Are you sure it is okay to leave Emma with your mom tonight?" Ross asked as he and Rachel sat in the taxi on their way home after dropping off Emma at Sandra's condo.

"They will be fine." Rachel assured him. "My mom has been begging us for a visit, I'm sure she's going to have so much fun with Emma tonight."

"Well maybe on a normal day, but it's Halloween. She's pumped in sugar even though we managed to stop her from having too much."

"Oh, honey... My mom has three kids, she's used to the chaos. Besides, what else can we do? We can't possibly bring her to my office party. Hell, I refused to bring my baby to an alcohol induced party."

"Well..." Ross sighed. "If you're sure."

"My mom will call if something happens or if it's too much for her, but honestly? We have nothing to worry about. They're going to be just fine."

"I know, I might have overreacted a bit there." Ross admitted. "When did we switch places?" Ross asked, thinking about how she was to be the one who couldn't be a part of their daughter even for just a bit.

"That's because Emma has you wrapped around her tiny finger." Rachel shook her head, amused. "You two are inseparable, sometimes I felt like an intruder."

"Oh, come on. We're not that bad."

"Really?" Rachel cocked an eyebrow. "Remember what happened last weekend when we all went to the zoo?"

"Oh, right." Ross smiled sheepishly as he recalled their little incident.

Rachel was just admiring some exotic birds when suddenly she noticed that her boyfriend and daughter were missing. She had to fight the urge to snap as her calls kept going into Ross' voicemails, she couldn't believe that they left her alone. To make it worse, the zoo was jammed with visitors on Saturday and it eventually took Rachel more than an hour to find their whereabouts. Later that night, after they put Emma down to sleep, Ross apologized profusely and even admitted that he might've forgotten about Rachel when Emma dragged him to the directions of one of Emma's favorite animals, monkeys.

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