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Hello everyone! To celebrate this year's Halloween, Ali (Jenfaniston55) and I decided to do another collaboration. It's rated M for some mature content, so I'm warning you now. We had so much fun writing this, so we hope you guys enjoyed it as much as we do. Anyway, without further ado, happy reading! And of course, Happy Halloween! 🎃👻



It's Halloween's night. Ross and Rachel decide to play a little fun game by trying their hardest to make the other one fall under their spells. The question is... Which one of them is going to fall first?



October 31st, 2004

Rachel felt her heart full as she glanced sideways toward her boyfriend and their daughter. Her life was near damn perfect these days, sometimes she had to pinch herself in the morning just to make sure it was all not a dream. She squeezed the small hand intertwined with hers, looking down lovingly toward her daughter, and then toward the man who held the other side of her daughter's hand tightly in his.

Today was Halloween and the three of them were walking in the streets of New York, walking door-to-door, and doing trick-or-treating. This year would be the first real Halloween for their daughter, Emma. Last year, she was still too little to understand and instead of parading their baby girl around the busy neighborhood, Ross and Rachel opted to stay home at Ross' apartment, handing out candies whilst occasionally taking photos of Emma in her cute pumpkin costume.

"Do you think she's cold?" Ross asked his girlfriend whilst keeping his eyes on their bouncy two-year-old, wanting to make sure that Emma was warm enough in her sparkly Cinderella costume.

"She's been jumping around so much, I think it keeps her warm." Rachel replied. "-but I do bring her jacket with me just in case..."

"Let me ask her."

"You can, but I don't think she wants a jacket to cover her gorgeous Cinderella dress." Rachel giggled, thinking about how much their little girl loved her Disney's princess costume.

Getting Emma her Halloween costume was tricky.

For some reason, apparently every little girl in the city of New York wanted to dress as Cinderella this year. They both had searched all the costume stores and department stores, but they ran out the costume in Emma's size. Rachel was so close to giving up and more than ready to convince the little girl to change her mind, but it was the little girl's dad who refused to give up. Not wanting to disappoint his daughter, Ross called every costume store in the Tri-state area and he finally found one in New Jersey. The next day, Ross drove their car early in the morning, queuing in front of the store before it even opened to make sure his daughter got the costume she wanted for Halloween.

Rachel was more than amused when Ross came back home some time during lunch with the right Cinderella costume, knowing how tired he must've been for waking up so early in the morning. Emma immediately jumped into her dad's arms, showering him with wet kisses as Ross showed her the costume.

"Yeah, you're right." Ross almost cringed when he remembered how hard it was to convince Emma not to wear the costume before Halloween. "We'll be lucky if she lets us wash the dress in the morning."

"She's stubborn like that, just like her daddy." Rachel smirked, teasing him.

"Hey!" Ross frowned, feigned hurt.

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