That Could Be Us

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That Could Be Us

Note : The words written in italic were the conversation they had in the past.

Rachel waited patiently for her turn as she sat at one of the benches in the OBGYN clinic. She flipped through the magazine aimlessly, she couldn't focus. She then let out a heavy sigh as she slammed the magazine shut and put it back where it belonged.

Her eyes wandered to a few other patients around her. A couple of what seemed to be in their late 30s was sitting a few feet away from her with their daughter playing with a doll beside them. Sitting behind them was a younger couple and the woman was heavily pregnant. Everyone except for her wasn't alone and they all somewhat seemed happy, some even had their hands entangled into each other. She felt a pang of jealousy in her heart, it was the moment when she felt so lonely.

Never in her life she'd imagine herself having a baby outside a marriage, let alone outside a relationship.

She subconsciously placed her hand around her lower stomach where the baby was supposed to be and without a warning, a smile crept out from her mouth. The circumstances might not have been in her best interest, but nonetheless she was so happy about this pregnancy.

This baby would be loved no matter what. It didn't even matter if she was going to raise the baby alone, it didn't matter if he didn't want to do anything with this baby, because she would love him/her unconditionally.

She just came back from Ross' apartment after telling him the news. She thought it was safe to say that he wasn't expecting her to drop this bomb upon him today. His earlier reaction to the news could've been better. He was literally speechless for more than five minutes and after the initial shock, he began to call the condom company to give them a piece of his mind.

She winced as she recalled all the yelling he did through the phone. It was ugly.

But this was Ross, he would come around, she just knew it. He wouldn't let her do this alone, he loved the idea of becoming a father. He would support her no matter what. He just needed some time to process the news.

Her mind drifted away to a couple months before their first break up, the days when the nightmare hadn't happened yet. They day where they were happily in love.

Fall, 1996.

Rachel woke up that morning to find his bed empty. Just like any other weekends, she usually spent the night at Ross'. She got up lazily and slightly disappointed for not having him by her side when she woke up.

She went straight to the kitchen and he was already there, making some french toast and all dressed up.

Did he have to go somewhere today? She wondered.

Saving her question for later, she gave him a back hug and a few kisses on his back. "Good morning." She murmured.

With one hand still flipping the toast and another hand reaching her, he replied, "Good morning sleepyhead. How's your sleep?"

"Not bad." She replied softly with her head still pressed against his back. "Though you should know how disappointed I am not to have you laying by my side when I woke up."

He let out a small chuckle, he loved when she was being so clingy around him.


"Mm-hmm." She replied softly. "I missed you."

After placing the toast on a plate and turned off the stove, he turned around so that he could see her face. He then leaned in and gave her a morning kiss, earning him a huge smile from her.

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