"Your daddy is a silly man, isn't he?" Rachel cooed at the dog, giving him another belly rub. "He didn't mean it. Of course, he loves you, you're his buddy."

Rachel smiled as she took a last look of the picture of Ross' and their dog before she finally decided to send the email before she forgot again. She was about to open a new tab when suddenly a new notification from Ross' Facebook caught her attention.

Ross had recently made a Facebook account. At first, Ross was very reluctant to join the hype, thinking that Facebook was nothing but a waste of time. He was so skeptical about it that it took Rachel and Monica a whole year just to persuade him to make an account. Unlike Ross, Monica and Rachel had joined Facebook shortly after it became so popular. Basically, every single person they knew, including her parents and Ross' parents also made a Facebook account.

In a short amount of time, it became a place where they could stay connected to their family and friends. Even recently - through Facebook, Rachel had reunited with her childhood friend she hadn't seen since almost two decades ago.

It was only after Ross saw how powerful and useful Facebook is that he decided to make one for himself.

It didn't take long for Ross to get hooked.

He posted almost every picture he had taken of their family and especially children on Facebook. He joined and even made a group for Paleontologists in the Tri-state area. They even hosted a small gathering just last month and Rachel was more than amused when she found out the first time.

See... This is why I told you a billion times that you should make an account. I know you're going to like it.

Ross just smiled shyly and finally admitted that she was right.

He became very active online and he made a lot of friends through it.

"Let's see what he's getting himself into this time" Rachel murmured to herself.

Curiosity got the best of Rachel and instead of opening a new tab, her eyes caught the notifications alert and with a simple click, Rachel managed to see what the notifications were about. It didn't take long for Rachel to notice that he had just gotten a new friend request.

Her hand stopped as she read the name.

Emily Waltham.


Feeling more curious than ever, Rachel clicked her profile and instantly Emily's profile popped up on the screen.

Her profile picture was an older version of the woman who once married to her husband for a short couple month. She clicked a few times, looking at a numerous pictures Emily had posted. A few pictures were showing Emily with a little girl. From the caption, it was certain that the girl was Emily's daughter. She kept clicking and clicking, and more and more pictures came out. The gallery mostly contained the pictures of Emily and her daughter, a few pictures of Emily's parents Rachel recognized from the wedding, a few of friends and family, and even a couple pictures of the family's cat.

Something felt off as Rachel was looking at Emily's gallery.

There was not a single picture of Emily's husband.

"That's weird." Rachel muttered and scrolled down, trying to find more information regarding her husband's ex-wife.

Her heart almost dropped as she read Emily's relationship status.


Feeling more and more curious, Rachel looked up at Emily's friends lists and a few minutes later, she found a man who had a picture of himself and a young girl that looked exactly like Emily's daughter as his profile picture.

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