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Bella made a face, pressing the red and blue dress to her body. "Are you sure? I think it makes me look fat."

"It makes you look hot," Rose corrected. "Now, are you going to change so I can get ready too?"

"Okay, okay," she grabbed the dress before moving out to change.

Rose grabbed her own outfit and changed before sending a quick text to Musa and Aisha, informing them of the party. As their second year guide, it was her and Bella's responsibility to tell them about everything happening in the first week of school.

"What's up my — oh it's you," Nate's face fell for a split second, before his permanent grin returned. "It's a good thing I actually noticed you there. Otherwise I'm pretty sure you would've been scarred."

"Bella's changing," Rose said as form of greeting. "She'll be here in a few minutes."

"Coolio," Nate flopped into one of the beds.

"That's my bed," Rose whacked him with a stray pillow.

"Jeez woman, sorry," Nate covered his head and stumbled into Bella's bed. "Oh, by the way, Riven told me to remind you about the party. He'd text you, but you only ever check Bella's messages. And your brother told me to tell you something about his sweatshirt. I think he wants you to give it back."

"You can tell Sky to find me a boyfriend to steal clothes from. As long as I'm single, his clothes are mine. And so are yours."

"I know," Nate sighed dramatically. "That's what you get when your girlfriend is attached to the hip with her best friend.

"Riven reminded me like four times already about the party," Rose made a face, choosing to ignore Nate's statement. "Almost makes me not wanna go."

"Well, you're going, so suck it up," Nate threw one of Bella's pillows towards her.

"I know that," Rose threw it back on his face.

"Not the beautiful face, you prick," he threw it back on her.

"False. Your face is ugly," she used the air to add a small push to the pillow.

"No fair! You used your magic."

"What's going on in here?" Bella stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips. "If I have to stop another fight, I'm going to lock you two in the East Wing basement overnight."

"We weren't fighting," Rose told her. "It was just playful banter."

"Does that mean you like me now?" Nate grinned up at her.

"Tolerate you," Rose corrected. "Barely."

"I'll take it!"


Rose glared at a those around them who didn't even try to hide their whispers.

"You'd think they'd have moved on to new gossip by now," Bella shrugged.

"It's the start of the year, and they're just gonna do a repeat of first year," Nate explained. "They're all gonna watch you for a week, and then get bored when you don't end up killing anyone."

"Who said I won't kill anyone?" Rose gave a particularly dirty look to an older fairy who couldn't stop staring.

"Please don't, Rose," Bella put a hand on her shoulder. "Let's not give them something else to talk about."

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