♡ hey!! heyyy!! anyone there!! ♡

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wake up!! she screams
wake up!! it's time to go!!
time to go where?
my thoughts don't reach my fingertips,
i cant get up
get up, get up, get up!!
today's the day!!
she's still screaming, her voice rolls into my ears like thunder rolls freely around the clouds, filling every crevice in the sky
i cant get up, my body's too heavy, my mind is even heavier
yet she does nothing to help me
but screams and screams and screams
this little voice in my head isn't so little anymore

it's time to spiral down into the deep dark pit you call your home!! time to scream and cry and wail your soul out on your porch!! cmon, you've got a day full of misery to enjoy!!

poemsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon