The Adventure Begins... Yet Again

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Before he knew it, wind started to pelt Mario in the face. He lifted his hands to block it, but it cost him his steady streamline. His body tossed and turned and he began to lean forward. Mario pulled himself inward and landed firmly on his feet just in the nick of time. He sighed in relief and dusted off his overalls before observing the scene around him.

He could immediately feel a black hole's aura as it gently pulled him to the floor. It must be under him, or rather, at the core of this little planet. He was on a clunky sheet of copper-like material that was poorly bolted to others in its likeness in the shape of a sphere. The sky around him was fighting between being a blue sky or a clear view of space. Clouds overlapped the two and appeared closer to Mario than what he was familiar with. It felt very lonely. The silence was deafening.

Despite his fears and uncertainty, Mario set off. He hopped over gaping holes from previously being sucked in as well as not leaving any nook and cranny unchecked, even though this planet was practically smooth. There wasn't much to explore sadly. Before Mario took a second to think about where to go next, his eyes spotted something glittery a little ways above his head. Pull Stars! He reached out for one, and once it noticed the life force entering its gravitational field, the Pull Star hoisted Mario off his feet. Mario let the stars' connections to each other do the rest to carry him off the tiny planet and... back to space?

Confused, Mario frantically looked around his body while the Pull Star had a hold on him. If it lets go, Mario would surely be sucked in by the black hole. A stray metal panel the same size as the ones from the planet floated out by itself, and Mario, with all his might, swung off and landed on it. It pulled him forward, and in that time before moving back, Mario looked ahead of himself. There were more of these pieces out here, just... floating. Further out was a cube-like planet rotating very slowly. Without anything else really catching his eye,

Mario tightened his cap and leaped forward to maneuver his way across the floating platforms, almost slipping off one after jumping too short, but thanks to Baby Luma's gift of granting him the power of the stars, he was able to have a second chance and make the landing. Other than that, it wasn't too difficult for the plumber to accomplish. He was very skilled in this area of parkour, after all these years. Next was the cube planet. It was constructed of all different kinds of panels now, shiny silver ones along with rusty and copper ones pressed together in a cube. Upon closer inspection, they didn't even look like they were screwed or welded together at all, which the plumber found very strange. Mario hopped on and realized that gravity wasn't going to keep him in one place. He would have to start keeping on top if he didn't want to fall off.

There was nothing else past here, so where was Mario to go? Mario slipped again and threw his hands forward to catch himself at the edge and quickly pulled himself back up before his fingers slid off the panel face. Wait... there was something different about that panel. Mario waited for the planet to rotate back around before his suspicions were proven right: there was the familiar circular spiky shape Mario soon grew to recognize as the ground pound symbol! Now, what it was doing out here Mario had no idea, but he wasn't going to question it while the opportunity to bash it in was still there.

And bash in he did; the sudden impact broke the whole planet (if it could be called that, it was honestly just pieces of metal) to scatter away from each other and puff into smoke. Mario was again airborne in space. He waved the smoke away and waved it faster when he heard someone coughing. Baby Luma leaped out of Mario's cap. "Hello?! Who's there?"

It was a Luma. His eyes widened in excitement at the sight of two familiar faces.

"Y-Young Master Luma !" his gaze turned to the red hero, "And Mario too!! I can't believe I have finally found you! ...Well... I guess you found me after I got caught in between those metal pieces and couldn't get out. But I was sent off to find you!"

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