a dream to chase

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So to be honest I'm not ready to reveal my name and my self as yet . I'm a 13 year old boy who had a passion for rapping from I was 6 years old . I learn about rapping from YouTube videos and from then I tried to write raps.

Fast forward to when I was 11 years old I started to record songs on my cell phone it isn't like studio quality but I tried. I used to upload to YouTube but I taken down all my video because of a very sad reason but I still have my songs. The reason I stopped chasing my dream was because of what people told me . They make  remarks about me like I'm never going to make it it was sad to hear but I still tried. To be honest I contact a radio station but it reject me and I wanted to know if I was the problem.

I started to think my dream/career was stupid and I started to doubt my self and that's when I stopped. I wish people would give us the chance to prove we can do this I know I'm a teen but I can make it.

I'm dark skin  rapping have always been a part of me in tears I type I still write songs and I'm just silently writing for now until my voice will be heard again in 2023 and I will surprise all the one who doubt me back in the year 2020.

This is a true life story share it to get it out there to support those to support there dream.

By: mysteryby13

I didn't stop I was just sleeping and in my dream I was writing songs.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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