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during first break Tara pulled Amber aside.

"Hey why are you acting all mad?" Tara interlocked her hands with Amber's. Amber's face got red which Tara found cute.

"Are you gonna tell anyone about us?" Amber asked, she avoided eye contact and began biting her lip. Tara moved her hands away from Amber's quickly as people passed by.

"Amber we're not even officially together...", Amber knew Tara wanted to keep making excuses so she wouldn't have to tell anyone, Amber understood though not wanting to come out but Amber on the other hand didn't wanna sneak around and see Tara flirting with guys.

"Why not? You like me? I like you?" Amber said her tone sounding irritated. Tara rolled her eyes, they always fought over this and Tara was sick of it she loved Amber so much maybe even more then Amber loved her but she was tired of arguing.

"Amber let it go, oh my god im sick of arguing over this. Me and you are not together Amber so it shouldn't matter," Tara was kinda yelling this in Amber's face which absolutely broke Amber's heart. Was she just being played?

"Okay..." Amber stormed off back to the group her eyes were watery as well. Tara immediately regretted being so harsh but she couldn't go back in time and fix it. She sighed and walked back to the group noticing Mindy and Amber where gone.

"Where's Amber and Mindy?" Tara asked some concern laced in her voice.

"Amber was like on the brink of crying so they went to go talk," Chad said feeling bad for Amber.

"Fuck..." Tara said in a low tone Wes heard though.

"Tara come with me real quick" Wes said standing up and they left together. Chad and Liv where both caught in the middle of this though. What was happening in their friend group?

"What happened between you and Amber?" Wes asked his arms crossed. Tara scoffed.

"What does this have to do with you?"

"I just wanna help", Wes said in his defense.
After Tara explained everything Wes was shocked. But that shocked face immediately turned into a disappointed look. "Tara you needa apologize you've been treating Amber like shit..." Wes said.

"I know and i don't mean to it's just i get caught up into the moment..." Tara said a sad look plastered on her face.

Wes put a hand on her shoulder and asked," so why aren't you guys together anyway?"

"I'm not ready to come out" Tara said.

"Nobody will judge you Tara, I know you're afraid of that but everybody here will support you I promise. Dont let the fear of being gay ruin what you have with Amber, she really loves you and you love her. It'll be okay," Wes said in a soft tone. Tara never realized how good of advice Wes had.

"Okay I'll fix it," Tara said and she rushed to find Amber. She looked up and down but eventually found Amber sitting with Mindy. She rushed to Amber hugging her. Mindy was startled but left so they could have their moment.

"Amber I'm so fucking sorry, I love you so much and i was so afraid of people finding out but not anywhere i want to be with you. Please."

Amber was shocked, she came to her senses and hugged Tara back. "I would love to be with you Tara."

Tara broke the hug to grab Amber's cheeks and smash her lips onto hers. Amber kissed back and like happily ever after 🙈


wish you were gay. Tamberحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن