wish you were gay

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Amber was currently texting Tara in the middle of her 4th period. Grinning whenever Tara would reply, Mindy looked over and saw Amber texting Tara, and the cheeky smile Amber had on. "Gays I swear," Mindy said shaking her head. Amber rolled her eyes, she bobbed her leg up and down waiting on a reply from her friend. Which she never got. Amber turned her phone off and put it in her pocket. She sighed and rested her head on her hand, paying attention for the 10 minutes they had left of class.

I just wanna make you feel okay.

Once the bell rang kids stormed out of the classroom desperate to go to lunch. Mindy was waiting at the door for Amber, who checked her phone. Still no message from Tara. She sighed and zipped her black jansport backpack up, swinging it over her shoulder she walked out the door Mindy following behind. As Mindy walked with Amber to the cafeteria, complaining about relationship issues with Frances, Amber spotted Tara talking Wes' ear off.

She watched, her brown eyes lingering on the two so obviously flirting. Mindy noticed Ambers distracted gaze, she looked over and also saw Tara and Wes being all over each other. Mindy gave Amber a sympathetic look, Amber smiled at her sadly and walked ahead to the lunch table which resided Tara, Wes, Chad and Liv. Tara looked at Amber smiling at her, Amber gave her a brief smile and directed her attention towards Chad who was talking about football drama.

But all you do is look the other way.

She wasn't actually paying attention though, out of the corner of her eye she took small glances at Tara and Wes. Mindy was busy eating the big bag of potato chips she had stuffed in her red backpack with a lesbian flag pin on it. Amber got bored of what Chad was saying so she turned around facing Mindy who was devouring the bag of chips. Amber stared at her, actually scared. "Yes?" Mindy said, some potato chip crumbs around her mouth.


"They've been talking the whole time", Mindy said her eyes resting upon Tara and Wes. Amber nodded, a anxious and angry feeling was all Amber felt as she looked at Tara who paid no mind to her. She opened her phone and went on Snapchat, looking through her and Tara's messages. Scrolling through and reading them all with the 15 minutes of lunch they had left. She hadn't noticed Tara went on her phone and was gonna reply to Amber. Amber immediately turned off her phone once she saw Tara's Bitmoji pop up in the corner of the screen. Tara looked up at her, a confused look lingered on her face. Amber glanced at her and immediately looked back at Mindy once she realized Tara was looking at her.

I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't wanna stay.

"You guys wanna do something tonight, it's Friday after all", Chad said looking at you all. Everyone agreed.

"Group sleepover, my place?", Tara said, glancing at Wes and then giving Amber a long stare. Everyone then again agreed, Tara smiled going back on her phone. She was still on her and Amber's chat, she wanted to text her but wasn't sure what to say. To lost she turned her phone off putting it in her back pocket. "You guys good at coming over maybe around 5?" Tara asked.

"Of course we are".

"Great" Tara smiled, her dimples showing. Amber couldn't help but stare. Once Tara looked at her she looked away acting as if she wasn't staring in awe. After school Amber drove home, she didn't have to pack since she went over to Tara's house so much she already had a tooth brush and pajamas over there. She entered her large and quiet house and went upstairs. She threw herself on her bed on went on her phone looking at TikTok. After a while She checked the time and saw it was 4:40 she groaned and got up. Going downstairs and going in her black car again racing to Tara's house.

She knocked three times on the door, Tara quickly answered in a oversized t shirt that Amber didn't recognize. "Hey," she said and smiled. She looked longingly into Ambers almond eyes. Amber broke the eye contact and said hi back, Tara moved aside letting her in. Not even 5 seconds later Mindy came inside, running to the door before Tara could shut it. Tara laughed at the dramatic entrance, and left leaving the door open for Liv and Chad. Once Amber had walked into the dark living room she realized Wes was here before her.

Just Tara and Wes.

Amber felt a pain in her heart but ignored it and sat down on the couch glaring at Wes who was scrolling on something on his phone. Wes hadn't noticed Amber's glare, Tara came in making Amber look away from Wes and smile at Tara. She had smiled back. She sat next to Amber and grabbed the remote, everyone came in as Mindy unpacked the bags of snack she had stuffed in her backpack. Throwing them at everyone else and grabbing her own she laid back on the couch.

Tara looked through some horror movies to watch, eventually she picked stab. Amber felt nervous with Tara so close to her, she felt Tara breathing kinda close. She shifted around a bit,"you good?", Tara asked her hand rested on Amber's thigh. Amber nodded and ate one of her sour gummy worms. Thank God it was dark in the living room or Tara would've saw how red Amber was right now. About 15minutes in the movie she felt Tara's hand move on her thigh. She looked down and noticed Tara was using her thumb to make circles on Amber's thigh.

Once the movie was over Tara directed where they would all be sleeping. Liv and Chad would sleep in the living room, Mindy would sleep in guest room 1# and Wes would sleep in guest room 2#. Which left Amber and Tara to sleep together in Tara's room. Tara interlocked her hand with Amber's and led her to her room. Tara told her she was gonna change. Amber looked away of course, she heard Tara chuckle and say,"Amber were both girls, its fine".

"Okay..." Amber replied.

She saw Tara take her jeans off. "What about your shirt?" Amber asked.

"It's Wes', he gave me it", she said a grin spreading on her face.


Tara changed into some black and white plaid pajama pants. She hopped on the bed and said Amber could change, she got up from the bed to do so. After changing she turned around seeing Tara's brown eyes staring right at her. Tara looked away and laid down on her grey pillow. Amber joined her, laying down facing the ceiling. Tara turned over facing Amber, Amber not wanting to be akward she turned over too not realizing how close her and Tara's faces actually were. "I really like Wes, I think me and him could work out", she said looking into Amber's eyes. Amber felt her heart shatter.

"Yeah, you guys are really cute," Amber said forcing a closed lip smile. Tara smiled back and turned back to facing the ceiling.

"Goodnight Amber, love you".

"Goodnight Tara, I love you too".

I just kinda wish you were gay.

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