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It was winter break now and Tara hasn't talked to Amber since the Christmas dance, neither has she talked to Wes. She was still so confused on why he bailed on her. She decided she would talk to him about it, I mean why not, she liked him right?

Just give me some time and space to realize...

Shortly after making her decision to talk to Wes she arrived at his house. She hesitated for a minute but knocked anyways one time. After a few seconds Wes answered the door, his eyes widening seeing Tara. "Hey Tara...", He said.

"Wes, we needa talk," she said in a firm and demanding voice startling Wes. Wes nodded and let her in closing the door behind her.

Tara walked to his living room sitting down on the couch, he followed and sat down next to her but leaving space between them. "Why'd you bail on me like that?" Tara asked in disbelief.

"I'm sorry".

"That's not answering my question Wes".

"Tara you don't actually like me I know that", Wes said looking at her. His face very serious.

"What!? Yes I do, why do you think I asked you to the dance".

"Tara...using me to run away from your feelings isn't okay".

"What the fuck are you talking about".

"I see the way you look at Amber, I'm not stupid", Wes said sighing.

" it's not like that, I like Amber as a...friend".

That you, were busy lying, sleeping 'round with other guys

"Tara you can't keep running away from how you's obvious you feel different about Amber. The way you look at her? How you act around her? And don't think I didn't see how jealous you got when that one girl was flirting with Amber at her party," Wes spewed. (WES IS A TAMBER SUPPORTER 💪)

"I'm not gay".


"Bye Wes".

Tara walked out his house slamming his door on the way out, shes not fucking gay, that's not how she was raised. She could never feel that way about Amber, never.

She went home flopping on her bed and sighing. She didn't have intention of talking to Amber, but she did miss her. She missed Amber's laugh, her smile, her attention, her in general. Pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind she made herself some popcorn and watched Netflix to distract herself.

Meanwhile Amber was at her house still sobbing over the fact she fucked everything up with Tara. A knock was heard on her door as she groaned getting up from her tear drenched bed she has barely left in days. She walked downstairs and answered the door seeing Mindy with a concerned face. "Amber are you okay?", She asked not knowing what else to say.

"I'm fine".

"Mhm sure".

Mindy walked in, Amber could care less. "Have you talked to Tara yet?".


"You needa, she hasn't talked to anybody since the incident, except Wes he said she came by his house all mad at him and then left when he basically called her out on being in love with you", Mindy said nonchalantly looking through Amber's kitchen for food.

"Wait what?"

And what the hell were we?

"Did you not hear what I just said".

"No I did".

Mindy rolled her eyes grabbing a box of lucky charms and just eating the marshmallows. "So are you gonna text her?"

"No, I fucked everything up".

"Amber, if anything you almost fucked her". Mindy said snorting while laughing.

"Shut the fuck up," Amber said sorta laughing to.

"But the kiss though, she pulled away, but she kinda kissed back".

"WHAT", Mindy dropped the box of cereal flabbergasted.




"OMG OMG OMG, SHE DEFINITELY LIKES YOU BACK," Mindy said rushing to her phone to call Tara.



"It's already awkward enough I'll just wait until she talks to me first". Amber said grabbing Mindy's phone and placing it on the kitchen counter.

"Good point...don't chase attract".

"Um, yeah definitely", Amber smiled awkwardly.

"Well I needa go see frances I'll see you later Tara lover," Mindy winked as a joke and left. Amber sighed walking to her couch and immediately throwing herself on to it.
Could Tara possibly like me back?

Amber brushed off the thought and turned on Netflix immediately going to stab. Her comfort movie/movies.

Tara on the other hand was having a crisis. Do I like Amber? Do I like girls? Am I gay? Fuck should I talk to Amber?

Tell me we weren't just friends
This doesn't make much sense, no

Tara grabbed her phone and went onto Amber's profile, she held her thumbs over her keyboard thinking of what she should text Amber. She gave up and sighed turning her phone off. Right after she did that her phone began ringing, groaning loudly Tara pressed answer immediately hearing Mindy's voice.

"Yes?". Tara said rolling her eyes.

"So how are you?"

"I'm good..?"

"Well have you talked to Amber yet?" Mindy could be heard chewing loudly on some chips.

"No I haven't".

"You needa, she's been a mess without, and when I tell you I could see those tear stains on her cheeks. Yikes".

"Oh", was all Tara said feeling bad for her best friend.

"Yeah I think you should because honestly I'm getting a little concerned for her...anyways bye Tara".

The call disconnected and Tara put her phone down. She's made Amber a complete mess and she feels horrible for it. She needs to talk to Amber. Grabbing her phone again she began texting Amber. "Can you come over?".

Amber responded almost a second late with,"sure". What would she tell Amber?

But I'm not hurt, I'm tense
'Cause I'll be fine without you, babe

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