Chapter four

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Today, after Ashton's apointment with my dad, the boy hid outisde while my dad was prepearing himself to go grocery shopping for tonight's dinner. He was waiting for me to arrive from school.

I almost had an heart attack when he snuck out of his hideaway and dropped my keys on the ground. He apologized and promised he didn't want to scare me.

I led him to my room and we played cards. Ashton said he loves cards but can't play on his own, it's not as fun.

I remember my grandpa always wanting to play cards with me when he was in the hospital. I loved it when I was a kid but as time passed, I hated it. I didn't play for years and I made him sad, I think. And the week before he passed, I gave in and played with him all day long, we had lots of fun. It was like I knew, deep down, that he would die soon and wanted to make him happy again. Like your last vows or something. I don't know, it's weird.

''Wanna listen some music?'' I asked the boy as we played 'Go fish'.

''Do you have any Kurt Cobain on that thing?'' he asked.

I smiled and nodded, putting on the first Nirvana song that was on the list.

''You like Nirvana?''

''Yes. Kurt is amazing. Was amazing. I'm sad he died. But I'm happy because he wasn't happy on earth, that's why he shot himself.'' Not knowing what to say, I continue playing cards, it was my turn. ''Do you.. erm, do you want to die, Luke?'' His question took me by surprise.

''No. I don't think so. Why?''

''You told me you were sad and sometimes, sad people are sadder that they think and- well, they end their life. I-is that why you hurt yourself? You said it wasn't the reason but I'm asking you again because seeing you hurting yourself hurt me too, Luke.''

I looked up at the golden haired boy. ''I'm just sad, Ashton. But not that sad. I like life, I don't think my end is near. Life is just sad at the moment but I'll get trough the dark moments.''

''Would you tell me if you felt sadder? Because I could help. I could try to help, Luke. I would, I swear I would!''

I gave him a small, reasuring smile.

We didn't play long because when my mother arrived around five, she was fuming in the kitchen and called me so Ashton had to sneak out and leave.

''Where is your father?'' she asked.

''I don't know, he wasn't home when I arrived from school.''

''He was the one cooking dinner tonight and it's already five and nothing is ready and-''

The door opened, revealing my dad with an armfull of bags. ''Sorry for the delay, there was a car accident on the way to the grocery store and we were all stuck in the traffic, waiting for help to arrive and clear out the cars.''

Mum raised a curious eyebrow. ''A car accident?''

''Yes, Rose. A car accident. I'm sure they'll talk about it in the news tonight if you don't believe me.''

She hummed, not quite sure if she should believe him or not.

Ever since the cheating, mum is septical about him and always suspect him of lying. Come on, mum, I know dad's not the most honest person but he can't be lying all the time. That's insane.

''I'm making chicken pastas, hope everyone likes it. Or at least, try to apreciate.''

''I-I love your cooking, dad,'' I butted in, trying to make the tension in the room decrease.

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