Side Effects

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Xavier was having problems sleeping since his 'encounter' with Primus. He's been thinking about it a lot and questions have been flooding his mind. One in particular 'What does he mean by A new life..?' His head started hurting again and he rubbed his temples. Nothing was making sense and he didn't know what to do, he was losing memories of his old life somewhat and everything has been hazy. He can barely remember the faces and names of his college friends and he was getting worried about it. But, the time was 3:45 am and he was getting annoyed as how he couldn't go to sleep. Just then he got dizzy and his eyes closed almost immediately, he was met with a white room and he was freaking out. "You're time is soon. You're questions will be answered." 'Primus..' "How much longer..?" There was a long pause. It was fading, his mind went numb and he awoke to the noise of the monitor "Y'know, you mumble in your sleep." Stated an annoyed medic. Xavier felt guilty and hates it when he mumbles aloud. "Oh, sorry.." there was a long pause. Xavier smiled sheepishly and looked over to the book he's been reading on the table near the couch. Soon he got lightheaded and he then started wobbling around he collapsed on the floor and he almost vomited. He soon felt bloated and sick then black dots clouded his vision and he was engulfed by darkness as he heard muffled voices. A few hours later he awoke on the huge medical berth, he was confused as it seemed that he had just passed out only seconds ago. He was confused and could barely talk or move, he was honestly not in the best spot at the moment as he really needed pain meds or atleast something to ease the pain he was dealing with. His head was spinning again it seemed but he forbid to pass out, he was stressed and a little angry as to why this was happening. "Xavier, are you okay?" Xavier looked over to see Cliffjumper. Xavier gave a small smile and nodded solemnly. He didn't have the energy do to anything it seemed, so he just lie there awaiting for something. Although he wasn't sure what, he just sat there, lost and confused. Everything was getting darker and soon it was night. He decided to fall asleep, thinking it was for the best giving as he's been in his head all day.

There was laughter, and the smell of fresh bread and cinnamon. Everything was a little blurred at first but, now it seemed more clear. Xavier was sitting in a booth with his half-sister Malona. He didn't quite remember when this memory took place but was happy to see her again.. she had gotten in an accident a few months after this took place, it's been so long since he left for college. He smiled and laughed, but it was weird since he wasn't doing either in that moment, he was still and couldn't move as he was still grasping that he was here. He couldn't control his body, nor could he speak his own words.

He then closed his eyes and awoke from the dream. He looked disappointed, but also rather happy. He smiled to himself and decided he would try to do something productive, like read a book instead of laying in the same berth all day. I mean yeah he'd still be in the berth, but atleast he isn't doing nothing. After a few hours of reading he decided to see, or rather ask what Ratch was up to. "Hey, Ratchet?" "Hm?" "What.." Xavier was hesitant and didn't want to upset the medic with a question but went for it anyway. "What are, you doing?" "Just some monitor work, is there something bothering, you?" Xavier smiled "No, but thank you for asking." Xavier got a little worried "Hey, Ratch.. how long was I out..?" "Two days, really one and a half to be exact." "Two days..?" Xavier was honestly confused but let it slide as his head hurt like hell. A couple minutes later they were talking about science and the laws of physics as Xavier explained a few things such as mathematics, Early People's and such as wars and other conflicts that have happened.

Tomorrow would be different, though. It'd also be a problem.

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