A Dream

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Xavier and Cliff were headed back to the base and once they arrived they were met with seriously loud music. Xavier rolled his eyes and went to the couch as he face plants into one of the pillows as he was seriously tired as Optimus was looking down at the ground bridge "Optimus, why so glum? This planet. All planets are finally free from Megatrons tyranny." "I do not disagree Ratchet. It's just.. a small part of me hoped to change Megatrons mind. Not extinguish his spark." Ratchet was rather baffled "Optimus, his vileness was not slain by your hand but by his own twisted aragence." Optimus huffed out a warning "Hmm." "I'm sorry. I know the two of you had quite a history." There was a pause
"But the Megatron whom I once fought beside perished eons ago. The day he chose to become a Decepticon. The Decepticons may be in disarray, but they aren't without leadership. And while Starscream is no Megatron, he is far from predictable." There was then an explosion like sound that freaked them out "Decepticons! We're under attack!" They then ran over just to be in face with a model volcano "It's no attack Ratchet." The boy then started coughing "It's my volcano. Or was." He said shrugging to the Medic. "Hold still, Bulkhead. Jupiter needs its red spot." A splash of paint fell off the brush and collided with the ground "Whoopsies!" "What.. in the Allspark is going on here?" Ratchet asked furiously "Our projects are due tomorrow." Replied Jack "Maybe it needs one of these doohickeys." "You're a motorcycle Arcee. Shouldn't you know how to build a motorcycle engine?" "You're a human, Jack. Can you build me a small intestine?" As Ratchet was telling the kids they shouldn't work in the base Xavier just stared holes into the back of his head. "Ratchet." Everyone froze as they looked at Xavier. Ratchet backed off and went back to the console to scared to even engage with the human boy. "Thank you." He said quite sarcastically. He then put his face back into the pillow and tried to sleep. A couple hours later Bumblebee and Raf were talking "uh-huh uh-huh. Really, Bumblebee? Then how do you make worriar class?" Bumblebee buzzed and whirred "But, I've seen you in action. You're awesome!" "I second your opinion, Raf. But autobot life cycles are much longer than those of humans. And though it may be hard to believe, our young scout still has much to experience." The computer than beeped a couple times as an energon signal showed. "Exposed energon, and it's on the move." "And since we ain't moving it, guess who must be." "Decepticons." Finished Arcee. "Without Megatron?" "Unfortunately Megatrons legacy will live on as others rise and take his place. Autobots, you have projects to complete. Ratchet I may require aid." "Well, the science fair is a big part if their grade. Perhaps it's better if I stay behind and supervise." He offered "Very well, Bumblebee, let us see about this energon in transit." Bumblebee got up to met up with the bot leader. As they were about to leave Xavier woke up feeling like he was ran over by something, and stared off into space as he regretted all of his life decisions. He then looked at the groundbridge and got up quickly, he then ran over and went through before the bots did 'I'm such an idiot for doing this in my condition.' But he couldn't care less about himself as the other two came through the bridge. He was laying down behind a rather big rock and was trying to make the pain stop in his head as he heard Starscream. He, well wanted to scream. He was being rather obnoxious and cocky. And let me tell you that Xavier hates cocky people. He then ran over to a different rock as he heard metal on metal he held his head as the noise was high pitched and annoying. He saw that Optimus had stumbled and told Bumblebee something "Skyquake has not yet to acquire a vehicle mode." Just then Skyquake ran at them as they transformed "Fall back!" Xavier has long past out because of the loud noise and the ringing in his ears. Just then he saw a huge blue eye that seemed to glow "You've awakened." It was.. deep rather to deep for his liking "Who, are you?" There was a long pause "Primus, the creator of all Cybertronian life and Cyberton itself. I have called upon you to tell, and warn you of something great." "Which is..?" Xavier had a headache and didn't have the time. He needed to wake up as soon as possible. "A new life.. of a titan giving for your size. You'll be faster, wiser and more precise with the things you do. Choose carefully along this journey." It all went to black as he saw Skyquake on the ground and the groundbridge open he ran through as fast as he could and then went to take yet another nap. 'A new.. life?'

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