We sit in silence for a few moments, basking in each other's presence. Resting on one arm behind me, I reach my other arm behind Nancy's neck. Pushing her face towards mine, I place a messy kiss on her lips. "Kind of strawberry flavored," I joke after pulling away. She narrows her eyes. "My mouth, you mean?" My cheeks redden as the embarrassment cascades over me like a  waterfall. I nod awkwardly and quickly change the conversation by throwing a chocolate-covered pineapple-bite her way. Still obviously pleased from making me flustered just mere minutes ago, she doesn't see the fruit sailing in the air. It bounces off her cheek as I break down in laughter, doubled over. Realizing what just happened, her mouth slacks. "Did you throw fruit at me?" she asks. I lay my hands out. "In my defense -" I pause, catching my breath from laughing so hard. "- I thought you would catch it. Or at least see it." Nancy gets up off her knees and throws herself at me. Surprised and caught of guard, I fall over easily.

I'm sprawled out underneath Nancy. Both of her knees are on the outside of my legs. Her head, her face, is only a couple inches from mine. I look up and meet her gaze. "If this is my...punishment... for throwing stuff at you, I might have to do it more often," I chuckle as I wipe my hand across her cheek, removing the yellow splotches left from the pineapple.  Nancy glares at my comment seconds before her lips slam onto mine. It's a passionate kiss, though one I wasn't ready for. Our tongues swirl and dance, but also fight for dominance inside the other's mouth. I take in Nancy's face once more before shutting my eyes and letting her take over. She glides her hands over and around my chest as I settle my hands atop her head. I scrunch my hands in her curls as her kisses travel down my neck. She pulls away before she goes any further, stopping at my collarbone. "I love you. I love you so much," she says and kisses me again. Before I have any time to think, nonetheless respond, she continues. "I love everything about you. Your stupid-ass jokes that make me laugh even when I don't want to, the way you planned this out and brought all my favorite foods, your freckles, how sweet you are, everything," she lets out a deep breath and kisses me again to show that she's finished. I give her my biggest smile. "I love you, too. I love your smarts, your nose, your hair, even your shampoo," I respond. She throws her head back and laughs. "My shampoo?" she asks. I just nod and bring my face up to meet hers. "I'm so glad I met you," I say softly. "Me too," she responds just as quietly. 

Nancy follows me as I stand up, and she grabs my hand. I lead the way to the sleeping bag and sit down, bringing her on top of me. Nancy melts into my arms immediately and places her head in the crook of my neck. I kiss the side of her cheek. "Don't fall asleep yet, I have something to show you," I say. Her eyes shoot open as she looks around frantically. "Nance, Nance! It's here," I carefully pass her my journal, but don't make eye contact with her. "What is it?" she asks, eyebrows raised. I take in a deep breath. "Long story short, when I was younger, my parents used to take me out stargazing. My dad would point out constellations and once we got home I would write them down in that journal -" I pause and look up. "- They stopped doing that a long time ago, so I haven't written in it for a bit," Nancy nods, urging me to go on. "Um, and I've also never shown anyone it. But, uh, I want you to see it," I finish. Nancy kisses my forehead ever so gently. "I would love to be the first person to see it," she says. I give her a tiny smile as she starts to flip through the pages. "That -" I say, interrupting her from turning another page. "- is my favorite one." She pauses. She lightly traces her finger around the drawing as I speak. "The Pegasus. One of the largest constellations, number seven to be exact. Got its name from Greek Mythology," I tell her. "Wow," she mumbles. "Your drawing is just great, Rob. You know all this because of your dad?" she asks, now a little louder. I nod and Nancy continues to look through the book. I wrap my arms affectionately around her waist. "You know why I picked tonight to come out here?" I ask. "No..." Nancy trails off, shaking her head. "Look up," I say.

There it is. Pegasus. It's as breathtaking for me right now as it was the first night I ever saw it. Memories come rushing back to me, ones of my dad and my mom. I sigh and shake them away. Tonight is better than seeing it for the first time because, as I look down, Nancy's right there, smiling up at the sky. I smile then, too. The darkness contrasts against the bright light of the stars. You can make it out perfectly, and although I bet many people are looking at it, for right now it's just ours. Mine and Nancy's, Nancy's and mine. I soak in the light, its beauty, but look down again. One thing prettier than all the stars and constellations above me is the girl right in front of me. The one perched in my lap. One side of her face is white and illuminated. She's still looking up, obviously in awe of the sky. "I don't even know what to say," Nancy tells me after feeling my gaze. I run my fingers through her hair. "That's okay." And I meant it. I really did.

I flop backwards on the sleeping bag and Nancy lands next to me. "Get in, it's gonna get cold out soon," I say. Nancy, after placing my journal in her jacket pocket, obeys and sidles up next to me. She grabs my hand and flips over to face me. Being so close, I'm betting that Nancy could hear my heart beat as she locks her hand with mine. I position myself so that I'm facing her too. Smiling, because even though it's dark, I can make out all of Nancy's features. I kiss her sharp jawline, her high cheekbones, and lastly I make a point to kiss the tippity top of her nose. She blushes and places her head on my chest. Her eyes soften and close and her breathing labors. Once I know she's fully asleep, I shut my eyes too. Even though our bodies are limp and drifting in and out of sleep, our hands never lose their grip on each other.

That's how we spend the rest of the night and most of the next morning. Raw and exposed from what we shared but also warm, together, and under the stars.

A/N: AHH!! Sorry this took so long, I just started 9th grade so it's been a lot honestly LMAO. I've been busy with homework and mental health, plus this chapter is like, the longest I've ever written and TBH it took a lot out of me LOL. I'll try to write more, but it is probably only going to be 1-2 times a month.

Thanks for all the support on this one-shot book, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter (I definitely did, I feel like it's one of my better ones), and hopefully I'll have the next one out before my birthday next month (that's the goal !!). 

I love how in this chapter you could see how close they became. They're just so sweet to each other and it makes my heart flutter. 'Till next time! 


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