-Chapter Forty Seven-

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I looked at Gio and said, "okay, I'm ready." I stepped out of the room, following behind Gio. We found George in the study, flicking through some last minute plans and then we were ready to go.

Gio nodded to him and I looked at the ground. I couldn't look at George because otherwise I would have killed him with my bare hands. I couldn't stomach the sight of him. Everything that he had done to Harry was inexcusable and the fact that I as having to work with him was torture. I questioned whether I had done something to annoy Gio and he knew that there was some sort of weird family history and he was doing this for a punishment. Maybe we would have gotten to the destination and he said sike.

I knew that that wasn't going to be the case. I mulled everything over in my head and if I was Louis or Liam then they would have been able to work out the statistics. It was a very low chance that Gio would say sike... ever... but an even lower chance that the scenario that I made up in my head would have actually happened.

I sighed as I walked past Gio and George conversing, keeping my eyes cast down as I headed for the library room. I had started to find it comforting to sit in there with the books surrounding me. Even if I wasn't reading, I knew that a thousand different stories were being told there. A thousand different lives that were sad and tragic or happy and cheery all at the same time. A thousand different lives that weren't mine.

Each book character had a different life that either compared to mine or didn't. Something probably worse had happened to them. Most of the books I read include multiple hunky men that have big brooding issues and dicks way too big for the size of their forearms. But I loved them.

Books screamed at me. When I was having a down day, I wouldn't want to do anything besides read or maybe write. Even on days when socialising becomes too difficult, I know that I can pick up a book and instantly fall in love with the story, the writing, the characters, the setting. Everything about books is amazing. People that don't read miss out on a lot. There is something about turning the page and finding out something new about the main character and their love interest.

I snapped back into real life and I gazed around, looking at the ten foot tall bookshelf shelving units that were covered in bodily fluids from many different sexual experiences and books that were probably fifty years old.

Eventually, George was the one that came and found me. I looked over my shoulder at him as I was deeply engrossed with the book in my hand. I started to recite what I was reading. "The kind of love that you find with another person in a romantic way is like a drug. However, the love that you have for your family and children is unconditional." I knew that it was George standing behind me.

I chose to read those particular words out loud because they resonated with him. I hummed as I finished reading the line. I looked over my shoulder and I gave George a pointed stare. "That seems awfully familiar doesn't it?" I said, raising one eyebrow at him.

Something that can only be described as anger flashed over his eyes. It was gone in a second. He took a step away from me and cleared his throat. "I think it's time to go." He said, straightening out his tie. It made me smirk knowing that I had said something to affect him.

I looked through my peripheral vision at his outfit and he was in a deep blue suit and I hated to admit it but I could see where Harry got his looks from. Anne is stunning but George is also very good looking so it's no wonder that Harry turned out looking like he did. Harry had his father's eyes and mouth. But his facial shape was all his mother's.

I stood up and I placed the book I was reading down on the seat. "Okay. Let's go." I slang my bag over my shoulder and I sauntered out of the door. I went outside and I climbed into the car parked against the curb.

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