-Chapter Forty Seven-

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Chapter Forty Seven:


I was woken up by my alarm at 7:30 AM in order to have enough time to get ready. I wasn't well rested that was for sure but I felt good enough. I had maybe 4 hours of good sleep in total but it was an adequate amount.

I stood in front of the mirror in the room that I was occupying and I observed what I was wearing. I was wearing a very sexy dress that clung to my sides and hugged every curve. I wished it was something that Harry could have seen because he would have hiked the back up and bent me over before I could even say my last name.

Gio had a tendency to put the female members in his gang in small and skimpy clothing, according to Billie. She had shown me a picture of the outfit that she wore for the big drop off that everyone else did in Rome and she was in some very small clothing. I suppose that since Gio had said that he gets people to use manipulation and seduction to win at poker games, then it applies the same as the drop offs.

I took a picture of my black and leather dress in the mirror. It had one sleeve and the other was off the shoulder. There was a zip running down the middle from the neckline to the base of the dress which sat above my knees. It was paired with a pair of black stilettos and I wore red lipstick as an accent colour.

I stood admiring myself and bathing in the wealth of what my life had become. Then, Gio came knocking on the door. You always knew if the knocks were Gio's because they were hard and firm against the wood of the door.

"Come in!" I shouted, taking a step away from the door. I crossed my feet underneath me and I folded my arms over my chest, struggling in the tight material.

Gio walked in and he looked me up and down. "That'll work. You could have gone sluttier but they'll be distanced by it." I pulled my head back a little at his crude comment. "Don't worry. The Gryphons are easy to please."

"Okay... What am I exactly doing?" I asked, taking another step back to rest my butt on the edge of the table. I sank down a little as I sat so I looked up even further at Gio.

"You are talking to the Gryphons, who are the buyers and I need you to sweet talk them while George and I move the shipment one crate at a time into their transport. You will also be in charge of getting the money from them. The Gryphons are usually good buyers but they have been known to try and trick people in the past. You're going to have to sit and talk about all the things that they want to talk about as long as they want to. If they touch you inappropriately, that's when you move away because it isn't worth starting a war over." He said, looking at me sternly.

I was confused by his last statement because from what he said, it sounded like he was referring to the men touching me without my consent. I wouldn't want their crusty and dirty hands on me. The hands of people that had killed many.

I just nodded and took in everything else he said. "So I have to flatter and smooze the middle aged men while you two do the heavy lifting? That seems easy enough." I shrugged and I looked at Gio's straight face. He wasn't showing any emotions so the look I had on my face dropped off right away.

"Clara. This is serious. Yes, that is what you are doing but these aren't just some crude middle aged, these are killers who have murdered women and children with their bare hands. There isn't anything that they wouldn't murder for so please for the love of god, don't make any of your ridiculous jokes because I will kill you myself." He gritted out through his teeth.

I could tell that he was serious because his eyes were stern and cold. I nodded and I turned away, blowing out a big breath of air. I picked up my burner phone and my purse and I tried to tuck it into the bra part of my dress but my boobs were too small to hold anything so I huffed as I couldn't fit them in there and I reached for a small bag that I brought with me. It was a shoulder bag and it went with my dress.

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