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Let me be your freak show, I could be your favorite monster

Lock me up, don't let me out 'cause you know I can't help myself

Freak - Sub Urban

Caya Cesari -

'Isn't anyone else coming?,' Caya asked when she saw Pierre walking outside.

'They're in a club for the first time in their lives,' Pierre just said. 'I'm sorry that it's just me okay, I-'

'I'm actually glad it's you,' Caya said softly. Pierre knew the whole story. With him she didn't have to mind her words or act differently than who she was. Pierre knew the worst side to her, so she could never disappoint him as he already knew what he could expect from her.

As they started walking they were silent for a while.

'Aren't you cold?,' Pierre asked after a while.

'I'm freezing,' Caya admitted.

'Wanna run?,' Pierre suggested.

'That's actually not a bad idea,' Caya nodded. Apart from the fact that she would warm up her body and it would make everything go faster her body was longing for some exercise right now. It would always help her, especially when she was feeling emotional.

'Wait a minute,' Caya bent down to take off her heels. 'Oh my God, my calves. How far is it?'

'Only 1K according to Google Maps,' Pierre answered. 'Ready to run?'

'Wait, are we racing?,' Caya grinned.

Pierre looked at her and she could tell he was just as much up for the challenge as she was.

'Go on three?'

'Bring it on Gasly,' Caya said.

'Okay, one...'

'Three!,' Caya shouted and then sprinted off. Luckily she recognized the street and didn't need Pierre's navigation to know how to get back.

'You're cheating!,' Pierre shouted as he followed her quickly.

Caya just giggled as he was running. Pierre soon caught up with her and overtook her. She hated that ever since puberty hit the guys they were faster than her. A few years ago she would always win.

Eventually after a couple of minutes Pierre was the first one to arrive at the building where he waited for Caya who had the key.

Caya was only a few seconds slower so when she stood before him he was still panting as well.

'You cheated,' Pierre said.

'I did,' Caya nodded, also short of breath herself. 'But you know, it's not cheating anymore.'

Pierre needed a few seconds to understand what she was saying, but when she came closer to him he clearly got the message. She looked him into his eyes, luring him in with her stare.

'You're looking so extremely hot tonight,' Pierre whispered, before placing his hands on her jaws.

'I'm drenched,' she softly chuckled.

'Makes you look even more sexy,' Pierre smiled. Then he leaned in and kissed her. Caya had missed this. She had missed his body. It was the perfect way to forget about this horrible day.

Their kisses weren't gentle and soft like they usually started. They were messy, rough. Caya wanted him to know she was only after one thing and that wasn't just cuddling together until they'd fall asleep. She needed him to take over her mind so she wouldn't have the capacity to think of Luca.

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