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hotel room arrangements:
Jenny and Jungwon
Heeseung and Jay
Sunghoon and Jake
Sunoo and Niki
3 OCTOBER 2022

Jenny: "Jungwon wanna do a Weverse live together?"

Jungwon: "Yea sure!"

Jenny: "Ok lemme go set up"

Jenny outfit:

Jungwon outfit:

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Jungwon outfit:

Jungwon outfit:

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*live start*

Jungwon: "Hellooooooooo"

Jenny: "Helloooo lets wait for more people to come in"

(a min later)

Jungwon: "Hi Engenes we're in the hotellll"

Jenny: "I hope Engenes like my hair, its been so long since i've had black hair"

Jungwon (while touching Jenny's hair): "Oh yea i think the last time was when we debuted but it was shorter"

enhaenha8: cuties
jennzenha1: omg jenny has glasses
enhypenot8: ❤️❤️❤️

Jungwon: "Oh its Engenes first time seeing you with glasses"

Jenny: "Oh thats right i got them like two months ago but i only use my glasses sometimes like when im reading and using devices"

(suddenly Jay burst in)


Jenny: "Jeez why did you suddenly come in"

Jungwon: "Gave me a heart attack"

Jay: "oops"

(after 20 mins of talking)

Jenny: "Ah its late already we need to sleep to get energy for tomorrow so we will be ending the live here Engenes!"

Jungwon and Jay: (saying goodbye)

Jenny: "Bye Engenessss"

*live ended*

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