Winter draws nigh

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The next few weeks were filled with hourlong walks in the warm autumn sun, relaxing hours in the library or in front of the fireplace drinking tea and reading books and long nightly talks with the white lady and her husband about times that were and times that would be. Aragorn dove into the old elvish lore in Elronds library and he showed his children books of ancient tales and poetry, that both of them delved into with enourmous interest. Legolas revisited the elvish children stories of his youth, reliving his time as an elfling once more, while he watched his own little elflings grow up beside him. 

But as the weeks drew on and winter came nigh, the air was filled with a feeling of anticipation and of departure. Aragorn and Legolas were preparing for their journey to Mirkwood, where they would visit king Thranduil and stay another few weeks, and Mattei and Nibeneth would follow Galadriel and Celeborn to Lothlórien. Aragorn was glad they did, because like that, it wouldn't be the last meeting with the white lady, as they would have to get the children from them eventually. The feeling of losing the white lady made him restless and anxious. He had always had her to rely upon, to give him guidance, ever since his foster-father left for the Undying lands. But with her now gone too, he didn't even want to think about what that meant for him. 

Legolas POV:

"I will speak with Mattei and Nibi regarding their visit to Lothlórien", I told Estel, while sitting in a comfortable chair next to him. We were in the library, as most of the time, and arches and arches of paper were spread out in front of us. Maps, mostly, but also scrolls of travelling guides that elves in former times had made during their journeys. Actually, we were planning the best route to take to Mirkwood from here, but I also noticed Aragorn pulling out maps of the far North of Middle-Earth, and the lands were he used to go as a ranger. But I guessed, that he just wanted to revel in nostalgia about his youth, as was I. 

"Tell them to behave", came the answer from my husband, as he turned a paper and wrote down something into his notebook. The quill made scratching sounds on the paper.

"I'm sure they will", I replied with a smile on my face. "I believe the lady Galadriel is an awe-inspiring woman, and you don't want to fall into disfavour with her. Gimli told me once, that he never had met a more powerful and scary lady before, and that tells something, if you believe what is told of the dwarf-wifes."

Aragorn chuckled and answered: "I totally agree with you on that, but just tell them anyways, to be on the sure side, will you?"

He looked up at me with a pleading face, and it was so cute, that I could do no other than give in. Not that I would ever agrue such a point with him anyway.

"Fine, fine", I gave in and placed a quick kiss on Aragorn's cheek. "I'll tell them to wash their hands before dinner and say "please" and "thank you" all the time."

I smiled to myself. I loved my husband so much. It would be hard to go on, when his winter would draw nigh, which was sure to come, and I'd have to live on alone. Really, I didn't know if I could to that. Probably not.


I helped Nibeneth to pack her bags onto her horse, while Aragorn gave a few fatherly commands to Mattei, which mostly consisted of taking care of his younger sister. Then I gave her a kiss on the cheek and hugged her. 

"Have fun, my girl", I said and a single tear slipped down my cheek. It was the first time I would be parted from her for this long. "I love you."

"I love you too, Ada", she told me and kissed me back. "It will be so exciting! I'm really looking forward to the Mallorns, dad, and the talans in the trees and I want to see Cerin Amroth and..."

Galadriel cut her off by commenting: "All has its time, Gwen (little girl), and when this time is due, you will see all that you desire."

"Yes, my lady!", Nibeneth answered politely, but her cheeks were flushed with aticipation.

"Bye, melleth nîn!", Aragorn now came over and kindly told our daughter. "I will miss you!"

"Me too!", I added, and to that Nibeneth laughed.

"No, you won't, you'll be glad to be rid of us, I really don't envy all the birds that will get disturbed by your lovemaking."

Aragorn and me both gaped at her in amazement. Was this really our daughter who said such naughty things? 

"Nibeneth!!", Mattei called out. "Don't say such things to our fathers. Wait with it until we are alone."

He grinned and Nibeneth grinned back and in that moment I knew they would have a great time together. Galadriel politely looked away, but she had a slight smile on her face, and Celeborn's eartips had gone furiously red, revealing he had heard our daughter's comment too. But both of them were tactful enough to not say anything about it.

Without another embarrassing comment, the four of them turned their horses around and rode off towards the beautiful forests of Lothlórien.

"Well, I guess Nibi is right", Aragorn whispered into my ear, which sent shivers down my spine. "I guess there will be a lot of disturbed birds along our way, don't you think?"

"Oh yes, there certainly will", I replied, before mounting my horse and jumping into the saddle. "Come on, what are you waiting for? We have a king to visit, and he'll want to hear all about us."

"Well, then we have to deliver some really spicy stories, don't we?", Estel said, while riding up next to me. "Let's go!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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