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As another round of monopoly ended Techno, Wilbur, Tommy and Phil were shocked at how good you were (you let Tommy win one game to see his brothers reactions) you all sat at the table and started digging into dinner and small talk happened like the festival, home, friends apparently dream and Tommy are rivels or something like that but you saw it funny when Tommy said how brave he was for fighting dream head on as everyone put their plates in the sink you flop down on the couch only to be joined by a nervous Technoblade 'this dude is never nervous? Is he ok? ' that's when it hit like a truck there were no more sleeping bags and mattresses you schooch over on the couch a techno lays there you could tell he was uncomfortable "I can sleep on the floor if you want you know if your uncomfortable?" Techno seems surprised that you were kind enough to offer that "No I'm fine" you give him a nod as everyone says good night you all fall into a deep sleep

You walk around in a home it was small but nice as you looked around you noticed someone in the kitchen as you walk in there was a green cloaked man with a white smiley face mask he was making steak you tried to speak but nothing came out he looks at you when you walk over "how did you get out?" He seemed surprised ( this is what my popped up when I wrote surprise lol (◉0◉)ᵎᵎᵎ ) you tilt your head sideways trying to remember what was his name..."Dream?"... "Yes honey?" 'Honey what doesn't that mean....' you look at him confused he picks up on it "oh you don't seem to remember...Thats good..." You tilt your head to the side but tense up when you feel like your falling.... You grip onto the closest thing near you panting "hey mate you ok?" You open your eyes to see Phil look at you with concern in his eyes you pull him into a hug you were shaking when you feel something sharp poke your neck "sorry mate but you need to forget and rest~" black spots appear in your vision as you try to pry away from him.

I wake up shaking lightly as I feel a weight on top of me slowly opening my eyes I'm met with someone's head in my neck I look closer at the pig features brefore realising it was techno he was sleeping calmly with a frown on his face I started to slowly stroke his head I could feel him relax I can stay like this for awhile I close my eyes not knowing everyone who I met so far is having some sort of dream about me.....



Dream 16/20
During his dream (Pun intended) the two of you ate breakfast then cuddled.

George 24/30
The two of you were having a picnic on a hill near a lake you were being very sweet and it ended with the both of you having a water fight.

Sapnap 29/30
Fancy restaurant check, nice clothes check, sapnap flirting with you and you replying with more lewd ones the dream came to an end with him walking you home in the rain.

Fundy 18/20
I started out with him being at your home making cookies with you then playing Frisbee in your backyard, it ended when the both of you were on the floor in the livingroom with cookie clubs every where... What a mess.....

Jslatt 28/30
In his office the two of you hanged him in your lap doing paper work while you snuggled your head into his neck tickling it with your breath the dream ended with him on the floor at your mercy due to you tickling him WAY to much.... (🤨📷 get your mind out the gutter)

Quackity 20/30
He woke in your home to realise you had saved him, that day you took care of him making him wish the dream was real.

Techno 32/40
The two of you were relaxing he was reading Greek mythology to you while your head was in his lap, it ended with the both of you sleeping on the couch.

Wilbur 41/50
The two of you outside under a tree him in your lap as the both of you rest from running so much, both of you fell asleep.

?? 10000/100
You were in his arms hugging and giving him a light kiss here and there.. God he wished it was real.


Phillza 52/60
You were found past out while he was flying while you were on his couch asleep you started going rouge but he didn't notice until you woke up gripping onto him like he would dissapare but what surprised him was when instead of hurting him you cried into his shoulder with him patting your head like you were a young child comforting you till you fell asleep again....

Tommy 40/50
Playing chess you kept beating him so you offered to play uno he won a couple of games you let him win the end of the dream ended with watching lilo and stitch.

God I was busy all weekend also comment where ever/when ever you like I don't mind

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