1.Please Wake Up

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The sun blinded me as I woke up I sat up as I grab my favorite red lightning bolt glasses and place them on my head. I ran down the star is tripping on my tail "Oof" I fix my red glasses. I look up to see Dad packing a suit case "Bore da Dad" (Good morning) "shhh"dad says I look at Dad in confusion  he points to Mums door  I make an oh face, I look at Dad as he pulls a small bag out then I heard Dad speak in a whisper "I need you to protect your mother for me. I will be back wait for her to wake up, I also want you to have these...." He opens the bag to a F/c Communicator box, a cloak and small piglet to fall out, the piglet looks around shaking like a leaf out of instinct you started stroking the little thing It seemed to calm at your touch it then starts licking your face ."eww"
I wake to Ruben licking my face "Okay okay I'm up dickhead" I push the pig off myself rubbing my eyes with my paw like hands I look around my room as I reach for my glasses Ruben leaves the room with my Cloak 'Grrreeeeaaaattt'  I thought as I jumped to my feet tail swaying fast as ran after him muttering curses I see him drag it into HER  room I panicked my tail swinging fast I rush in to see him  next to her bed  Sitting facing her I didn't have time to pray for her yesterday. I kneel in front of the bed "Dear gods, Goddesses and deities please help Mother wake up soon we dearly miss her." I stand up as I carefully light a small pumpkin spice candle sniff the candle'her favorite smell'  I snatch my cloak from Ruben as he oinked in response I walk down the stairs to the kitchen to see were almost out of food "Fuck we have to go out.." Ruben made an upset noise to my use of words, I look at the calendar to see that the town that we go to to normaly get food has a festival on that gets peoples attention in there 'of course the day we run out there's the show' my tail sways like a sword due to me being upset I clip my cloak on as I fixed my Red glasses on my head walking to my room to grab a leash and my suit case, Ruben looks up at me with pleading eyes he HATES the leash. "Those won't work on my any more Roo" I rap it around his neck to his dismay. As we leave my room I yell to Mum "I'LL BE BACK LATER MUM I'M GETTING FOOD." I grabbed the shopping list as We left the sun refecting on my glasses "I hate sunny days I get sun burnt easily" Ruben Oinked in agreement we set of to town hoping to only have to socialise with shop keepers.

Thank you for reading this story I will try to update tomorrow!

She's a runner~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt