Tyrant SCP Gorgon-3

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As an apology for not posting lately I making a short story chapter for fun.basically Tommy became friends with you because they were doing tests seeing if he could swim and to see if you would eat him, during the tests you became close friends except nobody believes he made a new friend

Authors Pov:
"Come on you got to belive me I really did make friends with someone!!" Tommy said Tubbo just didn't believe him neither did the others at the table, "Listen Tommy they probably hooked you on something, and we haven't had a female SCP in years" Wilbur said getting annoyed with his brothers antics "FINE THEN I'll just ask if they can bring her in" Tommy then walked over to one of the guards before anyone could stop him "This will be fun to watch" Techno said he had been watching the entire thing "Excuse me but may I put in a request to have Tyrant SCP G0rg0n-3 here pretty please" Tommy added the manners to get the guards heart hitched "I'll ask kid hold on" the guard pulled out a walkie talkie and asked about seeing if they can get her here "ok cool hey kid their gonna get her in a few ok so just sit down for a little" Tommy starts to walk back to his seat "aww what they couldn't get your friend here OWW!" Philza elbowed his son with a glare "Listen Tommy it might just have been a part of your imagina-" siriens cut him off as guards enter the room hand cuffing EVERYONE some tried to get out while others didn't, noone said a word as they new if they did they would get shocked.

Small time skip brought to you by Cala Maria

As everyone entered a cave like room they were uncuffed and left alone "Why the fuck are we in here" "LANGUAGE" Bad yelled suddenly there was a violin playing DUN duh dun dun over and over, Tommy started running into the room so did everyone else as they got to a cliff they were shocked to see the back of a tall Woman brushing a H/C Octopus on her head
"My father was a sailor~ My Mother was a fish~" she flipped her hair and started swimming off a bit shocking them at your beauty "Since I was little girl I've only had one wish~" the tall woman makes her way to a Mirror "A tiny dream belonged to me" the water rippled as it show an ocean with a boat on it "To be known across the seven seas~" the boat floated across the water suddenly a blue tail smashes it in half "I started small but my ambitions grew!" Suddenly a terrifying monster appeared that looked like the woman singing

As everyone entered a cave like room they were uncuffed and left alone "Why the fuck are we in here" "LANGUAGE" Bad yelled suddenly there was a violin playing DUN duh dun dun over and over, Tommy started running into the room so did everyone else ...

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"And now I'm known across the ocean blue~" the woman enchants them with her Voice "All my life what I wanted to be~" Suddenly all of the snakes on her head lash out "THE FIERCEST MONSTER IN THE DEEP BLUE SEA~" everyone backed away a bit "It's a lonely life~but the only life~" she swims to a mini lagoon and drags her finger on it "I would ever want for me~" she swipes away her reflection "But I've come so far And now I'm a star" she wacks a stack of skeletons "And everyone knows me~" she spins to the middle of giant lagoon "YES, I AM NUMBER ONE SEA BEAST!~" her eyes turn red as her hair snakes start hissing "I AM THE Y/N L/N" Tommy starts clapping "On core on core" Tommy yells the Gorgon "ok you want an on core I'll give ya one!" As she prepares her voice the others sit down in awe at the beast "Whoa!

"In case you ain't heard, I'm the Devil~"she points to her self in pride. "I'm real low down, not on the level~" she slithers across the water she gets up and grabs a golden Trident. "They call me Old Scratch, Miss. S, the Big D~" she then props her self on a chair near a stone piano. "I'm the Queen of the underworld. Yeah, it's great to be me.~" she then starts to play the piano. "Ho-di-llie doh-di-llie doh-di-llie doh.~" she sings bouncing her head on her sholders. "Ho-di-llie doh-di-llie doh-di-llie doh~" Tommy replys. "Hee-di-llie hee-di-llie hee-di-llie hee!~" She sings. "Hee-di-llie hee-di-llie hee-di-llie hee~" colourful fish reply. "I'm a real naughty Gal, I'm sure you'll agree~" she swims up to the group grabbing quackity softly but fast to scare him. "I get my kicks playing tricks on the locals.~" she places him down, then grabbing a fish and dangling it above her mouth. "They're easy marks, they're real dumb yokels." she throws the fish back into the water. "But now folks, listen closely,~"she gets closer to fabric covered wall. "it's time I made a confession.~" she holds the fabric in a tight grip. "Collecting people's souls is my greatest obsession!~" she throws it down to reveal a valut with pipes conected in the pipes there are souls flowing through.

If you want a part 2 to this please ask me here >                                                                        but i hope you enjoyed this!!!!
I will not post for a couple of days due to my new schedule this will be posting on the weekends in stead of everyday but I hope you enjoy the book.

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