Don't ban me from the store, tOMMY- you banned yourself from the store. wow.

4 2 4

Ranboo somehow manged to get the food edible, there was now some soba noodles with broccoli and carrots and tofu. Stir fry. Food.

They had put the food on plates and given it to Tommy and Tubbo, and when had the two last ate what the heck-

Tubbo had promptly then thanked Ranboo for the food, washed the dishes, (Ranboo tried say that he didn't need to do that, they swear, but had nearly gotten thrown out the window.)

Which. They didn't have the power to just like, hop back in. So Tubbo had washed the dishes and then went into the storage room and curled up under a blanket. On the floor. Tommy had followed suit.

Oh God, Ranboo was going to go shopping tomorrow. Hopefully Niki would understand that they didn't expect to have to buy mattresses and other stuff for two scruffy, traumatized boys. Yeah. Niki would understand.

It was like dealing with two stray cats.

They're own cats had taken it upon themselves to cuddle with the two boys, who were now sleeping. Yep. Two cats and two boys were just in a cuddle pile in the storage room of they're apartment, cuddling. And the storage room was way too small for all of them. Like, Tubbo had scrunched himself into like two feet. Tommy wasn't even laying down, leaning against the desk.

No, Ranboo thought. No one was going to curl up in their storage room and just- no. No.

So Ranboo went into they're room, made the bed, and then went back into the hallway into the storage room.

They then picked up Tubbo easily, and they deposited the small goat hybrid on they're bed. Then they grabbed Tommy, and placed him next to Tubbo.

Neither of them woke up.

The cats were displeased, and let Ranboo know by meowing at them angrily and targeting they're paw-like feet. With their claws.


Ranboo sighed, made sure all the lights were off, and then slumped down on the couch.

Sleep always came easily to them.


As always, Ranboo was up at the first sign of sunlight, and as always they started some breakfast. Bacon just never really seemed to get old. However, since they now had roommates, they supposed not everyone would want just bacon. So they made some pancakes too.

Pancakes were good, they should make them more often.

A sleepy, confused Tubbo came out of Ranboos room, still wearing the same green sweater and jeans.

"Ranboo, why were we in your room? Also Tommy has stolen like half of your comic books."

"Eh. I didn't want you to sleep on the floor. Not comfy, unless it is. And it isn't, not in the storage room anyway.

Tubbo opened his mouth to say something, and Ranboo shoved a mocha ice cream ball into Tubbo's mouth. Tubbo glared at him, and swallowed. The whole thing, like the entire ball of icecream whaT THe HECK?

Before Tubbo could try to say anything else, Tommy came stumbling into the kitchen, wrapped in a blanket, making conspicuous paper sounds as be walked.

He awkwardly stood in front of Ranboo, and then the craftily wrapped blanket fell, a corner coming undone.

Naruto comic books spewed everywhere.

Tommy blushed furiously red, and stood in front of the books as if that stopped Ranboo from seeing.

Ranboo sighed, and smiled reassuringly at Tommy.

"Tommy, if you want to read the comic books just like, you know, read em. But please get them off the floor. That's where we walk."

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