Chapter [2]

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Bruce stood near Vance and watched him mess with the pinball machine.

"Your really good at this ya know," Bruce spoke up out of a few moments of silence.

Vance mumbled a small 'thanks' and continued to bang at the machine. Bruce nodded and looked up at the scoreboard, 35 more points and he'd win! Although, he decided not to speak up in worry he might mess Vance up or even piss him off in the slightest.

He looked back at the taller boy to see him slightly smiling as he watched the ball roll around the board before he heard the big ding! indicating he had won.

Vance cheered and looked at Bruce who was smiling right back at him.

"Your really good Vance, congrats!" Bruce spoke up first messing with his hands.

"Yea no shit," Vance replied still smiling down at Bruce.

Bruce looked at the clock above the machine, i'm which the glowing numbers stated 7:18 [PM].

"Oh it's already 7!" he said as he looked back at the blonde.

"What's wrong, past your bedtime?" Vance joked glancing at the clock.

"No," Bruce shook his head, "I just don't like being out late, especially since my parents aren't really ever home. And my sister is at her friends house for the weekend."

Vance nodded and took a mental note of that.

"I could walk ya home if you'd like," Vance stated placing his hands in his back pockets.

Bruce sighed, "But then you would have to walk home all by yourself!"

He had a point and as much as Vance hated to admit he hated walking by himself, especially near the trailer park.

"It's fine, it won't bother me," Vance lied straight through his teeth.

"But it bothers me Vance!"

Vance was shocked.

He sighed and tapped his foot as he thought of something that could satisfy Bruce.

"What if you just come to my place tonight, i'm sure my folks are out somewhere," Vance threw the idea out looking at Bruce, "I know we hardly know each other but if it would make you feel better, it's just an idea."

Bruce thought for a good 30 seconds before replying to Vance's offer.

"Yea sure."

Vance nodded and started to walk to the front door with Bruce trailing not to far behind him.

"So, where do you live?" Bruce asked as he smiled and followed by Vance's side.

"In the little trailer park about five, ten minutes from the corner store," Vance responded as he kicked a rock that was in his walking path.

"Woah, I know that place!" Bruce replied looking up at the blonde, "one of the kids in my homeroom class lives there! We aren't necessarily best friends but we talk practically everyday."

Vance nodded, "What's his name? I'm sure I know 'em."

"Griffin, Griffin Stagg."

Vance stopped and looked at his shorter friend.

"You know Griff?"

Bruce stopped and turned to him, "Yea, do you?"

Vance swallowed and continued walking.


Bruce took note of that and quickly caught up to Vance. He decided not to push to much on subject just in case he'd piss Vance off.

They made small conversations for about 10 minutes before they arrived at the Hopper Household. Vance slowly made his way up the steps practically dragging his feet.

"Just a warning, I don't know if Pa is home so if he is, I apologize in advance," the blonde spoke before taking a key out his back pocket and unlocking the door. He slowly peeked in and didn't see his father on the couch but heard some ruckus in the kitchen.

Vance took a deep breath in before opening the door and letting Bruce in before shutting the door behind him and locked it.

Bruce was quick to look around, it was a nicely decorated house with family pictures all around.

Bruce saw Vance taking off his shoes and so he did the same but before he could finish he saw Vance walking to the kitchen cautiously.

"Oh Ma, ya scared the living daylights outta me," he said as he hugged his mother. She apologized with a smile and hugged her son back before giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

Bruce just awkwardly stood next to the front door not wanting to disturb anything that was going on.

"Also, uhm, I have someone i'd like you to meet," Vance peeked his head out from the kitchen and motioned for the brunette to walk over.

Bruce's eyes widened and he walked quickly to where Vance and his mother was. Once he arrived he saw a shorter woman who looked almost exactly like Vance.

She had bright curly blonde hair, blue eyes but they were more on the green side, and practically the same exact facial shape and features as Vance.

He also looked to see to other boys standing in the corner of the kitchen but didn't pay much mind to it just yet.

"Ma, this is Bruce, Bruce this is my mom."

Bruce smiled and waved to the woman.

"Oh hello sweetheart!" she said enthusiastically and quickly walked over to hug Bruce.

Although he was shocked he hugged her back and smiled at the other blonde who simply gave him a awkward smile and thumbs up.

"You are just so precious," the shorter woman said as she pulled away from the hug and ruffled Bruce's hair.

"Thank you," Bruce replied and watched as she walked back over to the stove.

Vance could tell Bruce was worried or more embarrassed.

He shifted his way over to Bruce and whispered in his ear,

"She definitely loves you."

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