"Hello to you too. Aren't you happy to see me Mom?"

"Not really."

"Hi Ms. Wilson. Soon to be Mrs. Patterson."

"Tae! I didn't even see you darling. Come in." She ushered him inside. I shook my head. She is a piece of work.

"So tell me all about the wedding. How is the planning going?" He pulled her into the kitchen and nodded his head at me.


It's go time.

I rushed upstairs as quietly as possible. Once I reached the top, I bolted into my Mom's room and closed the door.

First, I searched through her drawers in the nightstand and dresser. Nothing.

I lifted the mattress and looked for any piece of paper or envelope. I came up with nothing.

I got on my knees and bent down to look under the bed. All I saw were shoes and a half full bottle of water.

Maybe she has some kind of secret hole in the wall. Let me check the closet real quick.

This walk in closet is huge and so organized. All I could see were shelves filled with shoes, bags, and clothes. Before I was about to shut off the light, I noticed a brown cardboard box on the top shelf.

I grabbed one of the the chairs and took off my sandals. I checked to make sure my feet were clean before stepping on the white fabric to get a hold of the box. I removed the lid to see that it was filled with so many papers and envelopes. The letters were mostly addressed to me from the penitentiary. I pulled out a paper that looked like it started to get burned.

It was a marriage license.

"Omari Fletcher & Diane Wilson." So it is true. I quickly snapped a picture of it.

I saw a thick manila envelope. I opened it and saw many pictures. I recognized some of them since I have them in a photo album. They included those of when I was a baby, with my Mom, and with her and a man. This must be him.

I don't recognize him at all. Maybe I was too young.


"Oh sh*t!" My Mom scared the crap out of me. I could hear her getting closer. I hurriedly closed the box and put it back in its place after taking what I needed.

"Ahhh!" I heard Tae scream.

"Boy, what's wrong with you?" I heard her go back down the steps. Thank God.


"Tae, use your words before I slap your *ss."

"I'm feeling a pain in my stomach."

"Do you need to go to the hospital?"

"I don't know."

I hopped off the chair and put it back in its place. I did a quick glance over before turning off the closet light and running out of her room into mine.

That was close.

My heart is still beating hard like it wants to jump out of my chest.

"Oh wait. I think it's just gas." I could hear a sound like a plane flying by in the sky. I covered my mouth to keep from laughing.

"You are one nasty motherf*cker. Get off of me!"

"I'm sorry. It must have been that Chipotle I had last night."

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